Статьи журнала - Вестник Новосибирского государственного университета. Серия: История, филология

Все статьи: 3450

"Шахтинское дело" 1928 года как индикатор внутрипартийных взаимоотношений

"Шахтинское дело" 1928 года как индикатор внутрипартийных взаимоотношений

Шарапов Сергей Валерьевич

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Статья посвящена изучению идейно-политических противоречий внутри партийно-государственной элиты СССР, вызванных раскрытием «контрреволюционного заговора» в Шахтинском районе Донбасса.


"Шкала идентификаторов горожан" как метод качественных урбанистических исследований

"Шкала идентификаторов горожан" как метод качественных урбанистических исследований

Рафикова Светлана Анатольевна

Статья научная

Ставится вопрос о соотношении количественных и качественных характеристик городского населения Сибири как особой социальнотерриториальной общности. Наиболее перспективным в этой связи представляется анализ степени его включенности в городской образ жизни. С учетом атрибутивных и сущностных характеристик последнего разработана шкала идентификаторов. Новая методика качественных урбанистических исследований апробирована на основе массовой обработки воспоминаний, собранных в результате реализации авторского проекта «Живая история: народные мемуары». Полученные модели (статистическая и информационная) позволили выделить три категории горожан, условно обозначенных как «истинные горожане», «формирующиеся горожане» и «горожане – не горожане».


"Эссе о детском сердце" (Тунсинь Шо): перевод и анализ философских идей

"Эссе о детском сердце" (Тунсинь Шо): перевод и анализ философских идей

Руденко Николай Владимирович

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Статья содержит комментированный перевод «Эссе о детском сердце» минского философа Ли Чжи (1527- 1602), а также представляет анализ философских идей данного произведения, главным образом, гносеологических и эстетических. Корни центрального понятия эссе - «детского сердца», обнаруживаются еще в «младенческом сердце» Мэн-цзы, которое считалось естественным и благим, а также заключало в себе основные конфуцианские добродетели. В представлении Ли Чжи, «детское сердце» - первозданное и подлинное сердце, единственный адекватный инструмент познания, опирающийся на интуитивное и эмоциональное восприятие мира. Вместе с тем наличие «детского сердца» - необходимое условие для создания эстетически значимого произведения. Врагом «детского сердца» философ называет господствовавшее в минском обществе «учение о принципе» ( ли сюэ ), считая, что оно, будучи фальшивым по сути, овладевает сознанием и становится причиной утраты «детского сердца». Наконец, Ли Чжи оспаривает авторитет конфуцианских канонов, заявляя, что как авторство, так и актуальность их сомнительна, а также отказывается признавать основным критерием эстетической ценности произведения его соответствие стандартам древности.


"Язык сострадания" в ведийском жертвенном ритуале

"Язык сострадания" в ведийском жертвенном ритуале

Воронкина Маргарита Алексеевна

Статья научная

Рассматриваются черты «магического» дискурса в речевой заклинательной практике ритуальных действий śanti ведийского жертвенного ритуала.


"Ясаку с них имати не велели..." Грамота царя Бориса Годунова из фондов Государственного архива Тюменской области

"Ясаку с них имати не велели..." Грамота царя Бориса Годунова из фондов Государственного архива Тюменской области

Конев Алексей Юрьевич

Статья научная

В настоящей публикации проведено источниковедческое изучение фрагмента грамоты, относящейся к периоду правления царя Бориса Годунова. На основе сопоставления его текста с грамотой верхотурскому воеводе об освобождении сибирских ясачных людей от уплаты ясака на 1600 г. исследуемый документ атрибутирован, осуществлена реконструкция утраченного текста, пересмотрена его датировка. Дана характеристика содержания источника, заключающего в себе так называемое «жалованное слово» - особую форму прямого обращения монарха к ясачным людям. «Жалованное слово», ставшее с начала XVII в. особой статьей наказов сибирским воеводам, было впервые сформулировано в связи с милостями, раздававшимися населению Сибири Борисом Годуновым сразу после его избрания на царство. Исследуемый и публикуемый в статье документальный памятник следует считать самым ранним из известных и единственным относящимся к XVI в. актовым источником в составе фондов не только Государственного архива Тюменской области, но и других архивов Сибирского региона.


'e - "защитник Египта"? К семантике некоторых именований Александра Великого на египетских памятниках

'e - "защитник Египта"? К семантике некоторых именований Александра Великого на египетских памятниках

Ладынин Иван Андреевич

Статья научная

Рассматриваются титулатуры и обозначение Александра Великого в иероглифических текстах на египетских памятниках раннеэллинистического времени: в святилище барки Амона-Ра, восстановленной в его царствование в Луксоре, в гробнице Петосириса в Туна эль-Гебель близ Гермополя («Большая иероглифическая надпись») и на «алтаре» (постаменте) из храма Амона в оазисе Бахария. Все эти именования Александра содержат компонент со значением «Защитник Египта», которое, однако, выражено по-разному. Видимо, в основе этих именований - собственно личное имя Ἀλέξανδρος («защищающий людей»), с закономерным применительно к царю Египта переосмыслением. Став исходно Хоровым именем Александра (mk-Kmt), это именование воспроизводится по той же логике «перевода личного имени», но с использованием иной лексики на рубеже IV- III и в начале III в. до н. э., в условиях активной птолемеевской пропаганды его качеств освободителя Египта, миродержавца и преемника древних фараонов (см. «Роман об Александре»).


...Всем на радость. Памяти Натальи Николаевны Широбоковой (28.01.1946 - 13.11.2020)

...Всем на радость. Памяти Натальи Николаевны Широбоковой (28.01.1946 - 13.11.2020)

Кошкарева Наталья Борисовна



3D-моделирование жилищ из раскопок русских памятников Сибири: достоверность аппроксимации

3D-моделирование жилищ из раскопок русских памятников Сибири: достоверность аппроксимации

Татаурова Лариса Вениаминовна

Статья научная

Жилища как один из основных элементов системы жизнеобеспечения все чаще попадают в поле зрения исследователей, изучающих археологические памятники русского населения позднего Средневековья и Нового времени в Сибири. На базе полученных полевых материалов выполняются различного рода реконструкции, в том числе и 3D-модели. Для их создания в качестве сравнительного материала привлекаются письменные и этнографические источники. Они дают сведения о площади построек, но показатели возможной высоты домов в XVII-XVIII вв. остаются гипотетичными. Поэтому достоверность точности воспроизведения тех или иных свойств исходного объекта должна базироваться не только на поиске и привлечении аналогий, она должна опираться на культурный ландшафт, окружающий объект в изучаемый период. В статье с привлечением опубликованных письменных источников, представительного объема этнографической информации и археологических материалов по поземным, т. е. без подклетов, жилищам русского населения Тарского Прииртышья, Мангазеи и Саянского острога рассчитаны вероятные высотные показатели жилищ XVII-XVIII вв.


A contrastive study оf sentence elements in Russian and Korean languages

A contrastive study оf sentence elements in Russian and Korean languages

Shmakova Anna S., Lee Jeongsik

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Despite the many active exchanges that have taken place in various fields between Korea and Russia over the last 20 years, there is an obvious lack of analysis of data in the field of linguistics. In addition to the differences in the perspective of language in Russian linguistics of Russia and Russian linguistics of Korea, the opinions of scholars of the two countries differ as well. Firstly, research about the Korean language in Russia has been mainly conducted based on classical history and classical literature of the country while Korean grammar was studied based on “native language”. This caused a large amount of inconsistencies and mistakes to arise in turn as the system of sentence elements greatly differs between Korean and Russian. Korean has long been regarded as belonging to the Altaic family of languages, the syntax of which is characterized by the absence of a mandatory grammar category, the absence of a subordinate-equalitarian mechanism of sentence complexity, and a lack of analytical syntax [Brechalova, 2009. p. 197]. In addition, there are numerous other complicated syntactic structures, the notation of the relation between noun phrases and verb phrases, the possibility of single and auxiliary use of verbs, and nested structures [Brechalova, 2008. p. 28]. In addition, Korean sentences most commonly consist of a combination of “main ideas” and “inner ideas”, which causes a lot of syntactic ambiguities in the parsing process due to one or more expressions appearing in any given sentence. Most of these are due to the problem of sphere attachment that arises from the range of nested structure formulas [Lee, Yong-suk, 2008. p. 50]. Moreover, Korean is an unstructured language with frequent omissions and free words [Lee, Yong-Yong, 2008. p. 52]. In order to analyze Korean texts, the application of terms and analytical methods developed in Korean linguistics by famous Korean scholars Nam Gisim and Go Yeonggun is being proposed. This article serves as the first step in this process by comparing systems of Russian and Korean sentence elements in order to present the key differences between the two languages.


A study on teaching methods of Korean language speaking education using Google Expeditions

A study on teaching methods of Korean language speaking education using Google Expeditions

Lee Jeongsik

Статья научная

This study presented a method of Korean speaking education using Google Expeditions, which can complement the reality of Korean language education in Russia. The following factors have been considered to introduce Google Expeditions to the class. First, the teacher should handle Google Expeditions skillfully and cope with unexpected situations so that there is no disruption in the course of the class. Second, students should integrate well with existing teaching methods so that they don't feel rejection towards Google Expeditions (new technologies). Third, the strength of Google Expeditions should have a positive impact on the educational effect. To design education using virtual reality, 'the essential principles of virtual reality education' (the principle of interaction, the principle of practicality and the principle of preparation) were adopted. The 'Multimedia-based Courseware Design Strategies' (Goal, Teaching Content, Personalization, Judgment of what is right or wrong, Feedback, Closing) were adopted to design classes with software for curriculum. The content of the class was 'Sejong Korean Conversation 1,' a textbook written by a professional organization. Based on these three factors, the ways to teach Korean speaking using Google Expeditions were explored and examples were presented.


Activities of center of Chinese language and culture (Confucius classroom) at Novosibirsk State University in 2014

Activities of center of Chinese language and culture (Confucius classroom) at Novosibirsk State University in 2014

Wang Lin, Kudinova Maria A.

Статья научная

This article presents a brief report about all the activities held by the Center of Chinese Language and Culture (Confucius Classroom) at Novosibirsk State University with the support of Hanban - Confucius Institute Headquarters in 2014. The main activities include traditional and new projects in educational and cultural work, such as: visiting professors’ lectures, Chinese language summer camp in Urumqi and Xian, seminars for local Chinese teachers, study visit to China for the directors of Novosibirsk region’s educational institutions which included visiting Xinjiang University and primary and middle schools of Urumqi, Chinese-Russian Speaking Club for Chinese and local students of Novosibirsk State University, Confucius Institute Day etc. One of the key projects of last year was the organization (in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation policy of Novosibirsk region) of the international conference «Cooperation of Russian and Chinese Educational Institutions: experience, problems and prospects» which was held in Novosibirsk Technopark on September 16-19. The discussion mainly focused on two themes: teaching Chinese in Russian schools and universities and educational and cultural cooperation between Novosibirsk region and China.


Advanced training programs for Chinese teachers of the Confucius class GF NSU

Advanced training programs for Chinese teachers of the Confucius class GF NSU

Wang Lin

Статья научная

In the first item of Key Projects of «Confucius Institutes Development Program (2012-2020)», it was pointed out that a priority should be given to the training of local teachers as the key project. Confucius Classrooms at Novosibirsk State University takes the training of local teachers as one of the key tasks and has drawn out three patterns of training local Chinese teachers as follows: centralized special topic training, training on teaching materials and online e-training respectively. To satisfy the demands of the local Chinese teachers in Novosibirsk Confucius Classrooms at Novosibirsk State University asked the Confucius Institutes Headquarters to send an expert in Chinese teaching to hold a centralized special topic training at Novosibirsk State University. For the purpose of targeted training and guaranteeing training quality, a questionnaire concerning training time, training experts, training contents, training patterns and special topic of training was designed and sent to local Chinese teachers in Novosibirsk to seek their advice and proposals. In accordance with the requirements of Hanban for centralized training of local Chinese teachers, Chinese experts’ trainings take up only one half of the overall lectures, and the other half of lectures must be given by local experts. The 2015 training’s special topic was «Lexicology and Chinese Teaching Methodology». Lectures were delivered by professor of Capital Normal University (Beijing) Lin Xuqin, senior lecturer of Novosibirsk State University Tatyana Zavyalova and senior lecturer of Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Marina Kuratchenko. In addition, 2-hour experience classes of Chinese culture such as calligraphy, Chinese knot, paper-cutting, tea art, martial arts, and Yangko dance were offered every day. Training on teaching materials and methods focuses on textbooks and teaching methods, it is held twice a term. In line with the Chinese teaching situation in universities, middle schools and elementary schools in Novosibirsk, New Practical Chinese Reader Textbook, Kuaile Hanyu (Fun with Chinese) and Chinese Paradise, which were recommended by Hanban, have been taken as the main training textbooks. Under the guidance of experienced trainers, the trainees discuss and exchange ideas on the teaching plans, teaching methods, courseware etc. through interaction and discussion. Confucius Classroom at NSU plans to start the first online e-training for Chinese teachers in October 2015. Tatyana Zavyalova will give a six-month-long course of lectures (from October through December 2015 and from March through May 2016), once a week, and total 48 hours. This year theme is «Basic Classical Chinese». After the lecture, the trainees are supposed to make a report on their learning, and then a teacher will give some comments and award the qualified trainees certificates.


Archaeopalynological investigations in the Trans-Ural

Archaeopalynological investigations in the Trans-Ural

Калис А., Штоббе А.

Статья научная

Reconstructing prehistoric human activities and subsistence systems is only possible with a sound knowledge of the former flora and vegetation. Then, vegetation not only presents the frame in which prehistoric communities could subsist, but also reflects by its floristic and quantitative composition anthropogenic activities like animal husbandry and/or arable farming. Archeobotanical investigations, primarily pollen and macroremains, offer the opportunity to reconstruct past environments. In a steppe ecosystem - subject of the present study - the question of subsistence is of great significance for the past societies. Surely animal husbandry was of great importance, but did prehistoric man also practise arable farming, and to what extent? This is one of the many themes within a combined German-Russian research project of scientists from the Russian Academy of Science in Ekaterinburg and the J. W. Goethe-University in Frankfurt am Main. The project, supported primarily by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Russian Foundation for basic research (RFFI), attempts to investigate the archaeology, settlement history, subsistence and former environment of the Bronze Age Sintashta and Petrovka cultures in the Trans-Ural, particular in the valley of the Karagayli-Ayat River. This article presents the results of the first palynological study of a small lake from this area. The investigated deposits include the period from approximately 600 BC until 400 AD, the early phase of the Subatlantic.


Brotherly support: economic aid to Vietnam during the American war (1954-1975)

Brotherly support: economic aid to Vietnam during the American war (1954-1975)

Luong T.H.

Статья научная

During the wars to gain independence, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV) had a wide range of support from socialist countries. Due to the global conflict of the Cold War, the assistance from the socialist bloc not only came from the special relationship between Vietnam and this camp but also reflected complex international relations. This paper draws on documents tapped from collections of the Prime Minister's Office which contains important memorandums exchanged between the Prime Minister's office, the Vice Prime Minister, and the Foreign Trade Ministry. Based on these documents and Vietnam’s position at the centre of the confrontation between the East and the West, this article shows the tremendous economic aid that was received for the national salvation of the Vietnamese people from the Soviet Union and China during the anti-American resistance war. The article also reveals cracks within the communist camp, even though these socialist countries were seen as a solidary bloc and had a shared ideology. In the context of the Cold War with the East-West confrontation, and the fractured relations between countries in the communist bloc, the DRV always received support from both the Soviet Union and China. Perhaps it was rare for two rival countries to jointly provide aid to a third country, like the relationship between Vietnam-China-the Soviet Union during this period.


China-US strategic competition in the Lower Mekong region and Vietnam’s position

China-US strategic competition in the Lower Mekong region and Vietnam’s position

Tran N.D.

Статья научная

Recently, both China and the United States of America (US) have started focusing more on settling influence in the Lower Mekong region in the general context of global China-US competition. Although they have different connecting approaches, both superpowers focus on establishing and maintaining their influence in the strategic geo-political area in Southeast Asia and Asia. Their activities in the Lower Mekong region are more noticeable since the 2010s when Xi Jinping came to power in China and the US conducted the “Pivot to Asia” and “Free and Open Indo-Pacific” policies. Their competition therefore raises difficult tasks for Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam (CLMTV) to keep neutrality, and protect their national sovereignty and the regional sustainable development. As the China-US competition in the Lower Mekong region is remarkable and profoundly influential to the development of regional countries, both academic scholars and policy makers pay attention to this subject. This paper focuses on evaluating the recent competition between China and the US in CLMTV and Vietnam’s adaptations to maintain its sovereignty, security and neutrality in the great-power competition, especially since Vietnam established a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership with both China (2008) and the US (2023).


Communication strategies for students from Central Asia and Russia who studying Chinese

Communication strategies for students from Central Asia and Russia who studying Chinese

Li Pu, Dai Lingling

Статья научная

There are a lot of differences in communication strategies among students from different regions and countries. In this paper we investigate such a strategy for students from Central Asia and Russia in order to improve their level in Chinese. There are two kinds of communication strategy. One is reduced strategy which means people will not face problem directly, sometime they even give up expected goal. The other is achieved strategy which refers to remedial measures for limited language means when learners decide to keep the original goal. This study was carried out by authors on their experience of Chinese teaching to 80 foreign students at Xinjiang University and Xinjiang Agriculture University. All the data are presented in the tables within the text and have been analyzed through statistic methods. The selection of the strategies as a rule is determined by many factors. The most essential among them are the personal characteristics of students (so called introverts and extraverts), continuance of studying Chinese and the level of language skill which is corresponding to the levels of HSK. It was determined, for example, that Russian students as a rule are less inclined to use communication strategies (in compare with students from Central Asian five states (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan). All students have been divided into two groups according to sex, 46 of male, 34 of female. The statistics shows that male students find more ways to succeed in communication because their frequency of communication strategy is higher than those of female students. What’s more, boys are more active than girls, and the strategy they take are more simple and effective. But female students choose communication strategies that need more time, such as explanation and description. The study shows that there are certain rules in the use of communication strategy by foreign students. The level of Chinese mainly affects the frequency and types of communication strategy. At the same time, personal factors of learners make influence on using of communication strategy, too. But language learners don’t realize the importance of communication strategy which has been regarded as one of strategy knowledge through investigation. It was defined that foreign students themselves can’t have a rational concept of communication strategy consciousness and communication strategy knowledge. And it is not significant to study communication strategy alone. This studying would be most effective when we know it, use it in teaching and make language learners have rational conception of it. Teachers of Chinese can choose communication strategy through analyzing personal factors and social context of language learners.


Composite nomina agentis with low frequency usage in the Tarnovo revision of the Verse prolog

Composite nomina agentis with low frequency usage in the Tarnovo revision of the Verse prolog

Tihova A.M.

Статья научная

Purpose. The paper focuses on some compound nominal entries from word-formation and semantic aspect with low frequency of occurrence, typical of the Tarnovo Revision of Verse Prolog.


Constructive study of directional complement and its corresponding expression in Russian for Chinese teaching

Constructive study of directional complement and its corresponding expression in Russian for Chinese teaching

Wang Lin, Wang Zhongjun

Статья научная

There are many kinds of Chinese complements that are used frequently and semantic orientation varies in context. By interviewing with local Chinese teachers and students in Russia, we found that Chinese directional complement is a very key and difficult grammatical point. This paper focuses on Chinese Directional Complement and the corresponding expression in Russian. Through analyzing and contrasting the characteristics of the structure and the position of object clause in Chinese and Russian, we found that there are a lot of difference in this language phenomenon between Chinese and Russian, which mainly lies on the quantity of directional complement words, word class, syntactic constituent and structure. Therefore, we put forward some strategies for better teaching and study of this language phenomenon in Russia.


Cведения о традиционной культуре татарского населения и археологических памятниках Барабинской лесостепи в дневниковых записках Д. Г. Мессершмидта

Cведения о традиционной культуре татарского населения и археологических памятниках Барабинской лесостепи в дневниковых записках Д. Г. Мессершмидта

Борисенко Алиса Юльевна

Статья научная

В статье анализируются сведения по традиционной культуре жителей Барабинской степи, приведенные Д. Г. Мессершмидтом в путевом дневнике во время экспедиции в Сибирь на маршруте из Тары в Томск.

