Статьи журнала - Вестник Новосибирского государственного университета. Серия: История, филология

Все статьи: 3450

Dissemination of the Soviet and Russian archaeological literature in China

Dissemination of the Soviet and Russian archaeological literature in China

Wang Peng, Komissarov Sergey A.

Статья научная

This article presents the forms and stages of the influence from the side of Soviet/Russian archaeology on the development of archaeological science in China. On the basis of data obtained three main phases were distinguished in the process. The first one corresponds to the period of 1950–1977, when Chinese specialists initially became acquainted with Soviet achievements in archaeology and museology. Important part of it was two visits to China (in 1950 and 1959) paid by outstanding Soviet archaeologist S. V. Kiselev. In its turn, this period has two subdivisions as if from the early 1960 s successful scientific contacts suffered from negative influence of politics, i. e. deterioration of bilateral relations. The second stage has begun from 1978, simultaneously with reforms in all spheres of social life in PRC. Within this period scientists have been making purposeful investigations of Russian archaeological materials according to the needs and tasks of Chinese archaeology itself. As representative example we can take the edition of special archaeological volume of the «Great Russian Encyclopedia» which contains dozens of articles about Russian archaeological items (including those of Central Asia). Many specialists (such as Mo Runxian, Wang Dehou, Yao Feng, Lin Shushan et al.) especially std and translate Russian publications on the actual questions of archaeology and ancient history. The third stage has begun in 2002; it is characterized by enlargement in themes and forms of cooperation as well as participation of specialists of two countries in joint scientific projects. Nevertheless, it should be noted that inverse process (translations into Russian and summarizing the works of Chinese archaeologists) up to the date is developing more slowly.


Environmental factors of cultural variability - a case study in the Trans-Urals

Environmental factors of cultural variability - a case study in the Trans-Urals

Краузе Р., Форнасье Й.

Статья научная

In the Trans-Ural region a Russian-German cooperative project, concerning new interdisciplinary research on the subject of fortified settlements of the Sintashta culture, is being conducted by the Russian Academy of Sciences in Ekaterinenburg and the Goethe-University in Frankfurt/Main. Foremost of interest are questions on the origin of these structured and defended settlements and their general climatic and economic conditions. Important aspects of research are archaeological excavations and prospection, which are accompanied by studies on the history of vegetation in order to reconstruct changes in the steppe region. Further, geomorphological and pedological investigations should determine changes in the soil (use as pasture versus crop cultivation) and, thus, as an important parameter will contribute to information about land use and cultural development. Recent magnetogramms and excavations show houses` plans and the position of wells. These new data are well suited for constructing models about the population in particular and about social structure in general.


Family saga as a genre of world literature

Family saga as a genre of world literature

Donskikh O.A., Rayhan Md.T.

Статья научная

This article questions the reasons for the interest in the genre of saga, and discusses the peculiarities of its construction depending on the time and place of its origin, starting with the oral tradition. This genre is defined firstly by describing the life of no less than three families during a considerable span of history of a country, it also includes precise environmental details, such as dress and behavior, and exact dates of events against which the life of the heroes flows. Yet there are some differences in the choice of the narrator (whether it is the heroes themselves, or an objective observer of the events), the way of presenting time and space, ways of communication, etc. These differences are analyzed in the examples of four novels representing four literary traditions. The specifics of Russian literary tradition are also emphasized.


Foreigners’ cognition of Chinese characters from the differences between Chinese characters and phonograms

Foreigners’ cognition of Chinese characters from the differences between Chinese characters and phonograms

Zhou Diansheng, Qiu Xiaoyu, Sabirova Nagima

Статья научная

Based on the difference between Chinese characters and phonograms, this paper discusses the problem of recognizing Chinese characters by foreigners. The cognitive process of their studying is divided into two types: micro-cognition and systematic cognition, which are closely related and complementary. Chinese cognition is experiencing the cognitive process of «attention, perception, representation, memory, thinking and speech».


Homo peregrinator: образ автора и образ России в "Русском дневнике" Льюиса Кэрролла (1867)

Homo peregrinator: образ автора и образ России в "Русском дневнике" Льюиса Кэрролла (1867)

Кузьмина Мария Александровна

Статья научная

Данная статья посвящена психолингвистическому исследованию доминант и их «следов» в сознании путешествующей языковой личности, Homo peregrinator, - Льюиса Кэрролла как автора «Русского дневника» (1867), который он вел во время его первого и единственного путешествия в Россию. Доминанты, являющиеся ценностными установками мотивационного уровня языковой личности, оставляют «следы» в тезаурусе, которые исследуются путем выделения трех аспектов тезаурусного уровня: расподобление, анизотропность и эмоция как выражение чувствования языковой личности на лингвокогнитивном уровне. Миссия, с которой Л. Кэрролл посетил Россию, определила доброжелательность к окружающей его незнакомой действительности. Эта ценностная установка автора, соотносимая с мотивационным уровнем языковой личности, контрастирует с установками дневниковых записей других европейских и английских авторов.



II межвузовский онлайн-семинар памяти профессора В. В. Бабайцевой "Многоаспектность единиц языка и речи" (Новосибирск, НГУ, 10 февраля 2022 г.)

Высоцкая И.В.


Дана информация о научном семинаре, посвященном памяти профессора В. В. Бабайцевой. Семинар проходил онлайн на цифровой платформе Новосибирского национального исследовательского государственного университета. В ходе семинара прочитан ряд докладов, в которых многоаспектно рассматриваются актуальные вопросы морфологии и синтаксиса современного русского языка. Общей идеей можно назвать вопрос языковых механизмов формирования грамматической семантики и способов ее интерпретации. Серия докладов выполнена на материале языка Александра Пушкина, Николая Гоголя, Василия Шукшина. Представлены новые монографии. Высказана идея многоаспектного изучения творческого наследия В. В. Бабайцевой.


III Международная конференция «Полевые практики в системе высшего профессионального образования»

III Международная конференция «Полевые практики в системе высшего профессионального образования»

Бородовский Андрей Павлович, Новикова Ольга Ивановна

Краткое сообщение

В сообщении дается информация о проведении на Алтае III Международной конференции «Полевые практики в системе высшего профессионального образования» (21-29 августа 2009 г.).


IV Международный симпозиум по ледниковой археологии

IV Международный симпозиум по ледниковой археологии

Новиков Андрей Владиленович, Новикова Ольга Ивановна, Гнесь Александр Аркадьевич


В статье рассматриваются выступления участников IV Международного симпозиума по ледниковой археологии, прошедшего в октябре 2016 г. в Инсбруке (Австрия). Симпозиум был посвящен обсуждению методов и результатов исследований различных археологических памятников, обнаруженных в районах оледенения. Работа была разделена на пять последовательно тематических сессий: Сессия 1 - Ледниковая археология: находки и объекты, методы, исследования и анализ; Сессия 2 - Изменение климата: климат в прошлом и настоящем, вспомогательные данные, методы и результаты; Сессия 3 - Замороженные сайты - мультидисциплинарные подходы; Сессия 4 - Сохранение и сохранение - проблемы и развитие; Сессия 5 - Замерзшее прошлое: экология и этнография археологических объектов ледниковых территорий. Следующий, V Международный симпозиум по ледниковой археологии, состоится в 2018 году в Анкоридже (США).


IV международная научно-практическая конференция "Народы и культуры Саяно-Алтая и сопредельных территорий"

IV международная научно-практическая конференция "Народы и культуры Саяно-Алтая и сопредельных территорий"

Скобелев Сергей Григорьевич


С 27 по 30 сентября 2017 года в столице Республики Хакасия городе Абакане и Аскизском районе Хакасии прошла IV Международная научно-практическая конференция «Народы и культуры Саян-Алтая и сопредельных территорий». Конференция была посвящена 155-летие со дня рождения выдающегося сына хакасов, выдающегося востоковеда, тюрколога, доктора сравнительного языкознания, профессора Казанского Императорского университета Николая Федоровича Катанова (1862-1922). Цель. Мы проводим обзор работы конференции, чтобы проинформировать исследователей об этом важном событии. Работа была организована в несколько секционных заседаний. Тематика - различные аспекты истории Южной Сибири и сопредельных регионов Евразии с древнейших времен, а также некоторые вопросы языкознания, фольклора и литературы народов Средней Азии. Кроме того, планировалось определить задачи по изучению масштабного научного наследия Н. Ф. Катанова. Полученные результаты. Работу научного форума возглавили главы Правительства и Верховного Совета Республики Хакасия, в нем приняли участие преподаватели и ученые из Турции, Японии, Казахстана, Кыргызстана, Татарстана, Башкортостана, Якутии, Тувы, Алтая, Хакасии, Москвы. , Новосибирск, Красноярск, Кемерово и Тюмень. Новосибирский государственный университет представляли заведующий лабораторией гуманитарных исследований, доцент. Скобелев С.Г. К началу конференции Организационный комитет, представленный представителями Правительства и Министерства образования и науки Республики Хакасия, Администрации Аскизского района и Хакасского научно-исследовательского института языка, литературы и науки. История, подготовил материалы форума в виде сборника статей «Народы и культуры Южной Сибири и сопредельных территорий» (Абакан, 2017, 292 с). В рамках конференции состоялась презентация двух ранее не публиковавшихся работ Н. Ф. Катанова: 1) «Путешествие по Сибири, Джунгарии и Восточному Туркестану». Дневник путешествия, совершенного от имени Императорского Русского географического общества в 1890 году членом-корреспондентом Н. Ф. Катановым; Татарский (хакасский) язык (сагайский диалект). Грамматика (этимология и синтаксис) (1882 г.); 2) Монография «Эпистолярное наследие Н. Ф. Катанова (к 155-летию со дня его рождения)». В ходе конференции ее участники посетили несколько музеев и археологических памятников разных эпох на территории Аскизского муниципального района Хакасии, откуда родом Н. Ф. Катанов. Заключение. Конференция явилась важным этапом как в работе по изучению богатого научного наследия Н. Ф. Катанова, так и в решении ряда актуальных проблем археологии, этнографии и истории народов Южной Сибири и сопредельных территорий.


International summer school for young sinologists at Palack'y University, Olomouc

International summer school for young sinologists at Palack'y University, Olomouc

Borisov Dmitry E.


The article provides a brief report on the International Summer School held on June 6-11, 2016 at the Department of Asian Studies of the University. F. Palacky in Olomouc (Czech Republic). Professor of the University of Pennsylvania Victor H. Mair, Dr. Olaf Günther from the University of Leipzig, and Dr. Soledad Jiménez Tovar from the University. F. Palacky in Olomouc, Dr. Mária Strašáková from Prague Metropolitan University and Tibetan researcher from Max Planck University in Munich, Mr. Fan Zhang. Bachelors, masters and graduate students from 12 countries took part in the work of the school as listeners. The materials presented by the lecturers mainly dealt with the history and current state of international relations of China and its neighbors, as well as Chinese nationality policy.


Interpretation of the Images of Qing Judges in the Illustrated Woodblock Editions and Popular Prints Nianhua

Interpretation of the Images of Qing Judges in the Illustrated Woodblock Editions and Popular Prints Nianhua

Ekaterina A. Zavidovskaia, Tatiana I. Vinogradova, Dmitri I. Maiatskii

Статья научная

The paper aims to analyze different types of illustrations of court case gong`an公案stories featuring Qing dynasty judges Shi-gong 施公 and Peng-gong 鵬公 found in the late Qing woodblock editions and popular woodblock prints nianhua年畫 in order to figure out how tales about imperial ‘fair officials’ have been reflected in book illustrations and in popular prints nianhua年畫. Popular prints from various Russian and foreign collections mostly depict episodes featuring Qing dynasty judges Shi Shilun (施世綸, dec. 1722), originally a protagonist of the novel “Criminal Cases of Judge Shi” (施公案Shigong an, preface dated 1798), and Peng Peng (彭鹏, 1637–1704) from the novel “Criminal Cases of Judge Peng” (彭公案Penggongan, 1871) by Tanmeng Daoren貪夢道人. “Shi-gong plays” about Judge Shi and his friends gained popularity during the Daoguang period (1821–1850), however Judge Shi was no longer their central protagonist. The popular prints mostly depict martial scenes from these plays based on the court case stories. This research claims to define sources of various types of illustrations and clarify connections between book illustrations, popular prints and drama.


Investigation of foreign students’ attitude to intermediate Chinese auding lessons (taking the students of Fudan university as an example)

Investigation of foreign students’ attitude to intermediate Chinese auding lessons (taking the students of Fudan university as an example)

Dang Rui

Статья научная

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, after several decades of development of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, a new situation of reform was emerging. In this reform, the setting of classes according to language skills has become a tendency, and the listening class has become an independent class. The research on listening teaching has gradually increased. Based on the practice, this paper investigates the listening learning of 39 middle-level students from Fudan University in the spring of 2018, from the students' attitude towards listening lessons, their understanding of listening lessons, and the experience of using textbooks. A detailed investigation and analysis of the teacher's satisfaction and the five aspects of the practice setting were made. In order to improve the effect of intermediate Chinese listening teaching, based on the results of this survey and analysis, this paper proposes some ideas and teaching strategies from the listening course itself, listening content, practice questions and teachers, in order to provide intermediate Chinese as a foreign language. Listening teaching provides a reference.


L2T как жанр современной медиасферы

L2T как жанр современной медиасферы

Агамян Елена Юрьевна

Статья научная

Статья посвящена изучению новых способов привлечения внимания аудитории на телевидении. Интерес зрительской аудитории становится главным критерием при создании новостей, аналитических и других материалов. Такое определение основных задач телевидения вызывает дискуссию о границах жанров СМИ. Рассматривается вопрос появления новых жанров, соответствующих требованиям инфотейнмента и интертейнмента. Сегодня в структуре известных телевизионных жанров выделяется то, что еще не принято называть жанром, но уже сложно назвать просто структурным элементом телевизионного сюжета, в силу его самостоятельности и функциональности. Речь идет о так называемом лайф-ту-тейп.


Memory and identity: Tashi Tsering, the last qinwang south of the Yellow river

Memory and identity: Tashi Tsering, the last qinwang south of the Yellow river

Wallenbck U.

Статья научная

Today’s Henan Mongol Autonomous County is located in the southeastern part of present-day Qinghai Province, in the northeastern part of the Tibetan plateau. This historical pastoral area South of the Yellow River is a border area where, a milieu was created due to the long-term mutual contacts between Tibetans and Mongols, in which specific local customs, language patterns, and social communities have emerged. The initial turning point in their ethnical and cultural identity was the integration into the modern Chinese State in 1954, followed by ethnic classification. Moreover the local pastoral Mongol and Tietan populations have been transformed into minority nationalities is-á-vis the Han Chinese, and many Tibetans even were classified as Mengguzu (Mongols), however, perceived as Tibet-Mongols (Tib. Bod Sog) by themselves and their neighbours. By looking at the outstanding historical figure of Tashi Tsering, the last Mongol qinwang of the Henan grasslands at the Sino-Tibetan borderlands, this paper examines how the people of the Henan grasslands integrate their memory of the local traditional leader into their identity construction, and how they revive their Mongolness despite their seclusion from other Mongol communities.


Nephrite cultures in prehistoric Northeast Asia

Nephrite cultures in prehistoric Northeast Asia

Tang Chung, Komissarov S.A.

Статья научная

The capacity for symbolic organized behavior, such as the use of languages and ornaments, is a defining characteristic of modern human beings. As gold is for the West, jades have been one of the finest symbolic vessels in the East since prehistory. Jades are a collective term applied to compact aggregates of either of two minerals, nephrite and jadeite. In recent years, a large amount of nephrite accessories have been excavated from Neolithic-Bronze Age archaeological sites in Northeast China, Cis-Baikal and Russian Far East. Rings and disks are the majority of such nephrite accessories, and the similarities and differences in their geological sources, production history and context of use pose important question for how the symbolic application of jade dispersed and evolved in the most part of Asia. The international scientific project described bellow is specially aimed to solve this problem together with some related ones. This timely first-handed investigation is the most comprehensive study thus far of long-distance exchanges and movements of nephrite raw materials, products and production technologies. It will make a significant contribution to the early history of jade symbolism and human interaction in Northeast Asia.


On the micro skills of the elementary Chinese grammar teaching in the course of Chinese as foreign language

On the micro skills of the elementary Chinese grammar teaching in the course of Chinese as foreign language

Wang Zhongjun

Статья научная

The main aim of teaching Chinese as foreign language is to foster capability of social communication with Chinese native speakers. Through analyzing grammatical errors in the period of elementary Chinese studies, this paper expounds the micro skills for better teaching. The involved grammar points in this paper were taken from «New Practical Chinese Reader Textbook» (vol. 1 and 2) and «Conversational Chinese 301» (in two parts). The grammatical errors are mainly revealed in two aspects: function word and words’ order. We found that Russian students’ grammatical errors can be divided into four categories: omission, improper addition, over representation and words’ disorder. This paper presents some micro skills in teaching Chinese such as contrast method,simplification method, semantic and structure analysis, situational method etc. Language contrast has two categories, the first is contrast between Chinese and another languages, the second is contrast within Chinese language. It is quiet difficult to learn Chinese grammar at the beginning period. Thus, the teachers should use simple constructions to explain Chinese grammar for students more easy understanding. In practical teaching we often use phrase and sentence structure to study Chinese grammar. We put the grammar in some contextual language environment by adopting situational method, then students can transfer grammar into practical communicative capacity, combining with semantic pragmatic analysis. The teachers of Chinese should flexibly adopt various methods, instead of rigidly adhering to the textbook, to promote efficiency in the beginning period of Chinese grammar teaching.


On the nature of Cao Cao's appointments of the provincial officials

On the nature of Cao Cao's appointments of the provincial officials

Borisov Dmitriy E.

Статья научная

Later Han 後漢 termination in the 220 AD was a result of multiple crises, one aspect of which had been the political bankruptcy of the emperor and his loyalists. A turbulent and war-torn period, which started from the rebellion of the Yellow Turbans in 184 AD, has been a topic of discussion for many years ever since the Jin 晉 empire. Although in the last years approaches to studies of the Later Han differ, there are three key historiographical ideas: the final years of the Later Han are discussed as a part of the Later Han, as a part of the Three Kingdoms era 三國 or are included into both periods. This case study is an attempt to show the possibility of a different approach and treat the period of 184-220 AD as a transition between Han and Wei empires, according to information about the local administrative appointments which can be found in the first chapter of San-guo zhi 三國志, being a biography of the most important statesman of this period - Cao Cao 曹操.The accounts, which can be found in his biography, indicate that Cao Cao's appointments did not precisely follow the traditions of the Later Han administrative system, but neither were they in full agreement with the ideas, which were later implemented during the Wei-Jin Nan-beichao period. His conduct was much more pragmatic than that of other Later Han statesmen, but he never ventured as far as his successors did in granting too much power to the local gentry.


Performative strategies in contemporary Chinese avant-garde poetry

Performative strategies in contemporary Chinese avant-garde poetry

Dreyzis Yulia A.

Статья научная

The paper presents an attempt to explore the problem of mediality in Chinese poetry of the last thirty years. New Chinese poetry is particularly susceptible to the influence of the latest concepts of modern art and now more than ever needs a clear contextualization in relation to other forms of culture and avant-garde practice. This can be achieved through applying an analysis paradigm for performative word art developed by Dr. Tomáš Glanc in the context of Czech and Russian neo-avant-garde. It perceives experimental poetry as a form that fulfills a shift of the word thus making it labile. Examples of this phenomena can be found in Chinese poetry in the works of Ouyang Jianghe, Yang Xiaobin, Ouyang Yu, Xia Yu, Chen Li, Xu Bing, Wuqing and many more experimental artists. Their creative use of word shift principles shows how performative strategies are adapted in contemporary Chinese poetry keeping in mind the specific hanzi (character) medium that it is based upon. It seems both a continuation of a long-existing tradition and a radical exploration of the ‘iconic turn’ in the field of language.

