Статьи журнала - Вестник Нижневартовского государственного университета

Все статьи: 963

Civilizational approach to the study of ethnocultural identity problem

Civilizational approach to the study of ethnocultural identity problem

Zakiryanova I.A., Redkina L.I.

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The problem of ethnocultural identity as a person’s idea of oneself, formed when a person realizes one’s own involvement in a particular ethnic group according to certain parameters of ethnogenesis: racial-biological (ancestral roots), climatic-geographical (historical territory) and sociocultural (the history of one’s people, ethnic symbols of culture and religion, etc.) - is directly related to the problem of studying cultural and historical features of individual countries and regions development in the context of a civilizational approach. The purpose of this work is a theoretical analysis of the civilizational approach, the possibility of its application in the study of the problem of young people’s ethnocultural identity formation based on folk traditions, customs and rituals. The source of the material was articles published in periodicals (Identities-Global Studies in Culture and Power, Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, European Journal of Social Theory, etc., as well as publications of famous researchers (Vengerov A.B., Kornetov G.B., Panarin A.S., Toynbee A.J., Spengler, O., Huntington S.P., etc.). The following general scientific research methods are used to achieve the goal: analysis of scientific sources and synthesis of various theories and concepts on the research problem, their comparison, generalization of research results, identification of features of the civilizational approach in terms of studying possible ways of ethnocultural identity formation were used. The application of dialectical analysis of the designated problem allowed the authors to study ethnocultural identity phenomenon in the universal interrelation of philosophical, sociological and pedagogical sciences, to identify patterns and trends inherent in the process of ethnocultural identity formation, which combined all the versatile aspects into a single integrity and revealed on the basis of this a general holistic picture of the process of ethnocultural identity formation. Possible directions in the work on this phenomenon formation are identified: reliance on mankind’s cumulative experience, on the achievements of all sciences and culture in general; the study of ethnoculture and all its structural elements; the study of the world historical and pedagogical process in the center of which is a person who masters the culture created by previous generations and transforms this culture and oneself in the course of this development. The significance of the obtained results is that the civilizational approach allows, firstly, to carry out a retrospective analysis of the problem of young people’s ethnocultural identity formation based on folk traditions, customs and rituals in the context of the dynamics of the past, present and future; secondly, to justify the need to form young people’s ethnocultural identity formation based on folk traditions, customs and rituals as one of the significant components in the system of individual’s self-image; thirdly, to substantiate the possibility of using ethnoculture, the core of which are traditions, customs and rituals as the basic values of each nation, in the process of young people’s ethnocultural identity formation in modern sociocultural conditions.


Composition and status of some endemic sections of the genus Camellia (Theaceae) in Vietnam

Composition and status of some endemic sections of the genus Camellia (Theaceae) in Vietnam

Hoi Quach Van, Truong Hoang Thanh, Uyen Ngo Bao, Doudkin Roman V., Dung Luong Van

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Recently, many new species of Camellia have been discovered in Vietnam. They accompanied some new sections that have been added to the genus Camellia. This study aims to determine the species composition of some endemic sections, as well as their current status in Vietnam. The study was based on 27 literature sources and examined a series of specimens of Camellia species from the herbarium. A total of 14 endemic species to Vietnam belong to 5 sections were considered. The common morphological characteristics of each section were modified, which have changed following the change in the number of species. Taxonomy keys to species have been given for sections containing more than one species. Information on the distribution and status of 14 endemic species has been given.


Cталинская политика в отношении "наказанных народов" (1940-1950-е гг.): геноцид, ассимиляция, "политика населения"?

Cталинская политика в отношении "наказанных народов" (1940-1950-е гг.): геноцид, ассимиляция, "политика населения"?

Иванов А.С.

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В статье предпринята попытка осмысления сущности сталинской политики в отношении «наказанных народов». Изучение историографии позволяет говорить о плюрализме и поляризации мнений исследователей относительно феноменов депортации и спецпоселения. Автор выделяет ряд мероприятий органов власти, которые свидетельствуют о том, что депортация не была орудием геноцида или маргинализации населения: выделение правительством специальных продовольственных и промтоварных фондов и стройматериалов; принятие органами власти актов, направленных на нормализацию материального положения репрессированных; воссоединение с санкции НКВД разрозненных депортацией семей; проведение на общих основаниях идеологической и культурно- массовой работы, а также школьного и производственного обучения; сохранение калмыками-коммунистами и комсомольцами своего додепортационного статуса с возможностью вступления в партию (до начала 1950-х гг.) и ВЛКСМ (с ограничениями); предоставление опытным производственникам и управленцам работы в тех структурах (в т.ч...


Diploma research approbation in internet resources integration into teaching English

Diploma research approbation in internet resources integration into teaching English

Kudritskaya M.I., Kushnina L.V., Amangeldі A..

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Aim of the present research is to share the experience in organizing diploma paper approbation procedure as an important part of professional training of future English teachers in Akhmet Baitursynov Regional University, Pedagogical Institute after Umyrzak Sultangazin (Kazakhstan). Objectives of the research include brief description of the professional training process in the mentioned above higher educational institution with the focus on future English teachers training; presentation of the diploma paper main idea and contents; sharing the experience of approbation organization process. Main methods used in the present research include scientific analysis and synthesis, description, discussion, lesson modelling, observation, questionnaire. Results of the research include the future English teacher professional competence development and practical experience of applying the Internet resources to English teaching that led to the enhancement of educational process and growth of basic foreign language skills of the approbation participants. Conclusions that were made on the basis of the research show how organization of approbation contributed to the professional skill development of the future English teacher as well as how the integration of Internet resources influenced the educational process with both positive and negative effects it produced. Materials of the research are original and were obtained during the professional training of a future English teacher who graduated in June 2023 from the above-mentioned university and after successful passing of the National Teachers Professional Testing took a teaching job in Kazakhstan. Further research is intended to implement the findings of the present stage in the English teachers pre-service professional training with subsequent presentation of the obtained results in professional journals and conferences.


Ecological and taxonomic structure of winter algocoenosis in the rivers of the Sevastopol region

Ecological and taxonomic structure of winter algocoenosis in the rivers of the Sevastopol region

Didenko Ivan N., Didenko Nadezhda A., Skorobogatova Olga N., Storchak Tatiana V.

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The paper considers the ecological and taxonomic structure of the winter algocoenosis of the Chernaya, Kacha, and Belbek rivers within the territory of the city of Sevastopol. The results of studies were obtained on 30 chemical and physical parameters of surface water samples during the period of algological sampling. The collection of field material (phytoplankton, algae in fouling, on various substrates immersed in water) and its processing was carried out according to the methods generally accepted in algological practice. The diagnostic features, as well as the similarities and differences in the species diversity of algae, have been determined. The studies carried out show that the studied algocoenosis are characterized in winter period by a rich species composition, with a significant predominance of diatoms. The algae found in the studied rivers are indicators of water purity, and their occurrence activity and abundance can indicate that the content of organic matter in the waters of the Belbek and Kacha rivers is lower than in the Chernaya river. This is confirmed by the presence of algae - xenosaprobionts in the waters of the Belbek and Kacha rivers, which are indicators of clean, not polluted, with organic substances water.


Ecological aspects of the analysis of the age structure of the stand of the national park “Buzuluksky bor”

Ecological aspects of the analysis of the age structure of the stand of the national park “Buzuluksky bor”

Ryabukhina Maria V., Khakimov Erik R., Filippova Asya V., Latypov Andrey A.

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The forests of the steppe Trans-Urals cover a small area and are represented to a greater degree by island forests, birch outlier and inundable poplar forests. However, it is difficult to overestimate their bioecological, habitat forming, soil-fixing, protective and recreational functions. Currently, due to various forest growth conditions and forestry operations, in natural and artificial forest stands, there are processes of shrinking of the stand, epiphytoxics of the stand with harmful insects and fungal diseases, an increase in the proportion of overmature stands, which worsen the general condition of the forest, lead to the development of outbreaks of diseases and create an inflammability. The tree plantations “Buzuluksky Bor National Park” are exposed to periodic droughts, high temperatures in spring and summer, fires in large areas, diseases, as well as continuous logging carried out in the past, which leads to a change in the structure of the stand. The article provides a history of the bor formation, which in the process of its formation was undergone serai change, the influence of various both positive and negative factors, which can be attributed to an anthropogenous factor. An analytical analysis of the changes in the forest fund of the national park “Buzuluksky Bor National Park” because of the use of logging of the main use and the impact of the pyrogenic factor is given. Changes in the area of plantings of individual species by years of forest management are also presented. The optimal age structure is determined, the value of the normative distribution of the areas of plantings for each kind of wood is calculated. Conservation and restoration of forest territories of the steppe zone, in particular “Buzuluksky Bor National Park”, the productive capacity of tree plantations, continuing of protective functions, as well as biodiversity and their contribution to global ecological processes are currently the task of prime importance and criterion for sustainable management of forest resources.


Edutech in continuing education

Edutech in continuing education

PlastiNina Nina A., Bogdanova Svetlana Yu., Dimova Irina V.

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With the increase in implanting the information and computing technologies (ICT) into learning and continuing education during the last two decades and shifting to distant educational technologies (DET), it has become obvious that there is a vital need for school and university teachers to upgrade and develop their e-learning and e-teaching skills consistently. Since integrating technology into classroom, online or offline, has already become both a global tendency and a crucial change in the quality, form and methodology of education, there appeared an urgent importance for appropriate digital continuing education for school and university teachers to boost their readiness, preparedness and ability to adapt to the changing conditions of the educational environment. This is a niche opportunity for the local Universities to fill in. The study examines the plethora of conditions, assumptions and risks affecting the quality of educational content for an effective online continuing education course. The article details the stages and principles of designing an e-learning online course for continuing education. Using information visualization and feedback tools as examples the authors propose practical recommendations for content development and risk management. The authors imply that to create a quality online continuing education course, the developing team should take into consideration the characteristic differences of online education as compared to traditional methods. Active learning, time management, progress monitoring and communication are also brought to focus. The proposed framework, educational content development and additional strategies suggested have implications to teachers and educators involved in e-courses development, as well as to a wide range of users.


Environmentally significant indicators of mountain meadow soils in Azerbaijan

Environmentally significant indicators of mountain meadow soils in Azerbaijan

Talibi Sima M., Hasanova Turkan A.

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The most widespread soils in the Republic of Azerbaijan are mountain-meadow soils. The aim of the research was a comprehensive and comparative study of morphodiagnostic parameters, physical and chemical properties, as well as the biochemical activity of natural and anthropogenically modified biogeocenoses of the Kedabey region. The area has unique flora and fauna. Surroundings of the villages Gara Murad, Kichik Garamurad, Saratovka and others were investigated. The research was carried out on virgin and cultivated lands in villages. The degree of mineralization of the rivers Zayamchay and Chekhrichay ranges from 140 to 430 mg. The groundwater level in these areas exceeds 2 m, salinization processes are active. A herbarium was collected and the floristic composition of natural cenoses was determined. Invertebrates were also collected and the dominant composition of the fauna of natural cenoses was determined. Of the saprophages in these biocenoses, woodlice of the genus Hemilepisthus and Armadillidium are widely used. The most intensive decomposition of the remains of cereal vegetation is observed in the soil of the coastal strip (65.9%). In the natural cenosis, the rate of destruction of saltwort and salt-tolerant grass vegetation reaches 44.3%. The main role in the destruction of plant remains is played by a group of saprphages, which actively use plant litter. The decomposing material reaches its final stage of microbiological transformation. The duration and amount of CO2 in different soil horizons were also studied. It has been established that with increasing depth, the amount of carbon dioxide decreases. The hydrolytic activity of invertase and urease enzymes in the studied soils can be assessed as very weak. Comparative results of all these agrochemical studies helped to develop virgin soils in agriculture on the plains and achieve high productivity.


Historical memory and European regionalism: the Scottish case

Historical memory and European regionalism: the Scottish case

Kozlova Diana A.

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The region's past together with the historical memory of the people inhabiting it, undoubtedly carries lessons for the present and the future, both for the British state in particular, and for the rest of Europe as a whole. Studying the issues of historical memory helps to rethink the mechanisms of the formation of historical consciousness. It is also important when studying the role of various social strata in this process, which can include both professional historians and politicians, ‘decision makers’ - people on whom decision-making process depends to one degree or another. Among the set of functions that historical knowledge performs, the most significant one can be singled out - an attempt to "reconcile" the present and the past of the people as a nation. In the light of the current European agenda, a change in ideas about the status of historical memory and a searching of approaches to understanding the issues raised by the regionalization processes require a new look at the process of interaction between these spheres of public life. This article examines the issues of Scottish historical memory in the context of regionalization processes in Europe: what in this case is the history of Scotland - rather a common European tradition or a particular British case? Is it possible to look at the problem differently when both paths are not mutually exclusive?


Monitoring of natural complexes while developing and operating the fields of Timan-Pechora oil and gas province

Monitoring of natural complexes while developing and operating the fields of Timan-Pechora oil and gas province

Storchak T. V., Didenko I. N., Didenko N. A.

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Landscape monitoring is organized to monitor the state of natural complexes and their transformation. Monitoring of landscapes should ensure the identification of anthropogenic load, the dynamics of areas of anthropogenic impact, the degree of degradation of natural complexes. The Timan-Pechora oil and gas province is located on the territory of the Republic of Komi, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the adjacent water area of the Pechora Sea. The area of the province is 600 thousand km2. Currently, the development and extraction of mineral resources, mainly oil and gas, is actively underway in the territory under consideration. This is a complex process that requires the collaboration of many specialists, including ecologists. In the Bol'shezemel'skaya Tundra, the dominant part of tundra landscapes are extremely sensitive to anthropogenic influence and the unorganized use of the available space will soon lead to the complete loss of their own functions, and their restoration will take a huge amount of time. In this paper, a basic field study method was chosen as the main method to study the landscape. Thanks to route observations, a complex landscape characteristic of the territory was compiled.


Myths and reality: gender and language problems in the media

Myths and reality: gender and language problems in the media

Avakimyan S., Tankut P.

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The article brings in some gender-related linguistic issues to compare the views in international newspapers with those of sociolinguistics.


On methodology of comprehensive assessment of ecological state of Ufa city

On methodology of comprehensive assessment of ecological state of Ufa city

Kholukhoyeva Assya D., Khaziakhmetov Rashit M.

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In Russia, all the regions are initially considered economically and socially complex systems that develop along the path of a huge set of conditions and processes arising in the internal and external environment. In my opinion, these types of processes should include limitations and resource opportunities, various changes in society, areas of development of the institutional area of the formation of environmental factors, processes and phenomena in the production of non-material, as well as, most importantly, of a material nature. It should be noted that the main and most important basis of the material base studied by me is the economic structure of the regional ecological system of the region, which to a greater extent characterizes stability and its ability to dynamically develop, improve the region as a whole, and its individual territories in particular, through the identification of the input flow and the values and results obtained at the output. It is important to focus attention on the fact that all economic and ecological systems in the process of their development at various stages of evolution are predominantly of the inertial type, which indicates the lack of development of a scientifically based system characterizing these states. In this regard, there are many global issues, both from a scientific point of view and from a practice-oriented direction. Thus, the author in this article examines the issues of methodological analysis and critical criteria explanation of the methodology of comprehensive assessment of the ecological state of the city of Ufa of the Republic of Bashkortostan in its close relationship with economic systems and structures.


On the problems of commemorating signs dedicated to the family of the former emperor Nicholas II: by the materials of the city of Tyumen

On the problems of commemorating signs dedicated to the family of the former emperor Nicholas II: by the materials of the city of Tyumen

Makarova Elena O.

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One of the sources of the formation of historical memory are commemorative signs located in the urban landscape. The memorialization of the names of members of the Romanov family causes an ambiguous reaction in the public mind of Russians. The official procedure for the installation of objects of monumental art on the territory of the city of Tyumen excludes the placement of commemoration signs in the presence of such a reaction from the townspeople. However, at the same time, it gives the initiators the opportunity to install objects in private and closed areas for viewing, which are not subject to the jurisdiction of city authorities. The subject of the study is the problem of commemorative signs dedicated to the family of the former Emperor Nicholas II. At the same time, objects located exclusively within the boundaries of the city of Tyumen are investigated. The purpose of the article is to identify the problems associated with the placement, promotion and preservation of these signs of commemoration. To achieve the goal, the author set the following tasks: to study the history of creation, placement and accessibility for viewing the designated objects. The methodology of the work is based on the principle of objectivity and historicism, a descriptive and comparative research method is also used. Particular attention in the course of the study is paid to determining the role of the initiators of the creation of objects. According to the results of the study, most of the signs were installed without official paperwork. The facilities are located on private or religious organization territory. This circumstance leaves an imprint on their general perception by the viewer. In turn, being in conditions that are limited for viewing, commemoration signs are inaccessible for visiting. The study of the attitude of Tyumen residents to the described objects, as well as the degree of their popularity among the townspeople, requires a separate sociological study.


Pathways for teachers’ professional development and preadaptation of parents in dire straits

Pathways for teachers’ professional development and preadaptation of parents in dire straits

Ivanova O.A., Shalashova М.М.

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The article deals with the issue of teachers’ professional development and professional preadaptation and retraining of parents who found themselves in difficult life circumstances due to their child’s serious medical condition and consequently have to change jobs. The article presents MCU’s innovative experience in implementing professional development programmes for teachers and parents in the medical setting. Modular professional retraining programmes allow students to choose the units that fit their educational needs and help them follow their own educational tracks. The article describes the process of creating academic programmes for students’ individual professional development with the help of distance-learning management platforms Moodle and Microsoft Teams. This enables students to work and study at their own pace. We have arrived at the conclusion that at times it is worth using the flipped classroom model and strategy, when students study the course content independently and later take part in discussions and question sessions, exchange their experiences and work on different case studies. Since last year there have been changes in the content, technologies and methods of working with this particular group of students. For instance, there is now an opportunity to add and use resources of non-formal education sphere. After parents successfully complete the course of study, they qualify as tutors who can assist students getting long-term treatment. This can help parents solve two problems. First, it will give them an opportunity to find a new job in the field they qualified in. Then, they will be able to provide professional psychological assistance and academic support to their children in difficult life circumstances.


Pedagogical education for future university teachers: determinants of effective implementation

Pedagogical education for future university teachers: determinants of effective implementation

Logvinova O.K., Vittenbek V.K., Ivanova G.P.

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The study is aimed at identifying and analyzing the determinants of effective pedagogical education for future university teachers. Research interest in this issue stems from world wide dramatic changes in higher education caused by interdependent processes of globalization, massification and digitalization, which in turn foregrounds the problem of effective teaching in a more diverse and complex university environment. The research is based on both theoretical analysis and comparison of modern approaches to the problem under study, generalization of pedagogical experience and empirical investigation. The authors focused on students' expectations and perceptions regarding real and ideal university teachers. Data collection involved the qualitative approach with the use of focus group method as well as focused interviews. The findings obtained helped to substantiate key determinants of effective pedagogical education for future university teachers, namely an opportune content and teaching methods updating, relevant forms of training, consideration of students' expectations. The results of the research are of interest to a wide range of experts in the field of higher education and can be applied within the courses of “Pedagogy of Higher Education”, “Pedagogy and Psychology of Higher Education”, “Methods of Teaching at the University”, etc.


Photoperiodic chronotype stability in students of Khanty-Mansi autonomous area - Yugra and Vladikavkaz

Photoperiodic chronotype stability in students of Khanty-Mansi autonomous area - Yugra and Vladikavkaz

Ragozin Oleg N., Schalamova Elena Yu., Datieva Fatima S., Pogonysheva Irina A.

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The aim of the work is to establish the peculiarities of the organization of various aspects of life in the dynamics of the winter/summer seasons among students studying in the conditions of the photoperiod of the northern region (Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area - Yugra) and the temperate climatic zone (Vladikavkaz). In the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area, among students of both sexes, the proportion of persons with evening chronotypes was higher than in Vladikavkaz. Among thenorthernyoung men, there were no persons with a definite morning chronotype, and among the Vladikavkaz students there was noone with a definite evening chronotype; in the southern region, the share of “larks” was higher. In the dynamics of winter/summer in all groups, an increase in the proportion of “larks” was found, less pronounced in young men. Among the students of Vladikavkaz in both seasons, young men predominated among morning chronotypes, the percentage of persons with an arrhythmic chronotype was higher among young women. The values of the index of photoperiodic stability, in general, characterize the chronotype of the examined students as rigid. In the organization of life in the social group of students, social generators of rhythm prevail over natural factors.


Pinus eldarica Medw. as indicator of vehicular pollution

Pinus eldarica Medw. as indicator of vehicular pollution

Mamedova A. O., Farzalieva N. M.

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This paper presents a study of developmental stability of Pinus eldarica Medw. in conditions of airborne traffic pollution. The study has been performed over the period of 3 years (from 2017 to 2019) in the Absheron Peninsula, Azerbaijan. The purpose of the study was to assess the morphophysiological changes in the species Pinus eldarica Medw. Exposed to pollution from motor vehicles and thus identify the bioindicator properties of pine trees. The study used morphological, physiological and statistical methods. The indicating data on fluctuating asymmetry and necrosis in Pinus eldarica Medw. was obtained in areas with varying degree of atmospheric pollution. Based on these data, ecological zoning was carried out using GIS technologies, and an environmental map of the studied territories was compiled. Species Pinus eldaric a Medw. can be used as a phytometer for the purpose of environmental monitoring.


Professional development of teachers in the context of digitalization of education: from conceptual ideas to practice

Professional development of teachers in the context of digitalization of education: from conceptual ideas to practice

Antonov Nikolay V., Ivanova Olga A.

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The article presents the results of a study of the practice of teachers’ professional development in the context of digitalization of education carried out in order to identify the features of teachers’ professional development and the main conceptual ideas implemented in different countries. The article examines the practice of teachers’ professional development in other countries as well as in a number of Russian regions. The analysis of pedagogical literature and scientific articles was carried out using the method of apperception and the descriptive method. The use of apperception method allowed us to expand information about the existing professional development practices implemented in different countries and regions. The use of descriptive method in working with scientific literature made it possible to select articles based on keywords, “descriptors”. In this study, the following phrases were used as descriptors: “professional development of teachers”, “concepts of professional development of teachers”, “advanced training of teachers”, “practice of professional development of teachers”. As a result, practices of teachers’ professional development have been identified that have both similar conceptual ideas and some national or regional features. Two of the conceptual ideas reflected in almost all countries are particularly noteworthy: that of continuity and that of personalization of teachers’ professional development in the context of education digitalization. Implementation of these ideas makes it possible to ensure continuous professional development of a teacher taking into account his or her professional experience, expertise, professional competencies and interests, as well as the interests and demands of the educational organization in which he or she works. The implementation of these ideas is carried out through integration of formal and non-formal education, as well as through self-education and self-development of teachers in the context of education digitalization.


Professional suitability as a psychological prerequisite for improving the effectiveness of military-professional training (retraining) of military personnel

Professional suitability as a psychological prerequisite for improving the effectiveness of military-professional training (retraining) of military personnel

Karavanov A.A., Ustinov I.Y., Len A.A.

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The object of this work is to consider the problem of complementarity of the qualification readiness of candidates (applicants) for the future military specialty. Professional psychological selection of military personnel is considered as a psychological prerequisite for increasing the effectiveness of military professional training (retraining), as a way to overcome the discrepancy between the applicant (subject of military professional activity) and the requirements of the MAS. The analysis of dissertation research, scientific literature and regulatory documents made it possible to classify the types of human suitability for military professional activity into groups. The basis for the classification was the characteristics of the psychological qualities and innate personality traits necessary for the development of the military profession, as well as their psychodiagnostic tools. The factors of professional suitability are described in detail, the structural elements necessary for effective functioning in the profession are highlighted, by which it is possible to assess the professional suitability of a person. The composition and composition of the qualification psyche suitability of a person, which determine the profitability of technologies and algorithms (retraining) of applicants for vacancies of contract servicemen in the Russia Armed Forces, have been clarified. The definition of psychiatric suitability has been clarified. The professional suitability of an individual for military specialties is considered from the point of view of two basic tendencies to the knowledge of this phenomenon, the types of readiness of the individual for specialized activities are described. The specific characteristics of military professional training are revealed.


Psychofunctional state of men of working age in extreme socio-natural conditions

Psychofunctional state of men of working age in extreme socio-natural conditions

Pogonysheva I.A., Shalamova E.Yu., Ragozin O.N., Pogonyshev D.A., Postnikova V.V.

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This investigation was conducted to study the psychofunctional status of male respondents of working age who are under the combined influence of adverse environment such as socio-natural conditions. According to the results obtained, in groups of men working in a northern region at a security company in aperiodic shift mode, hemodynamic parameters differed depending on seniority: among people with more than 5 years of work experience systolic BP values were higher and there was a strong tendency to higher diastolic and pulse BP. A lower vascular tone was noted among male students of the Northern Medical University, which indicates a lower activity of the sympathetic department of the autonomic nervous system. Their magnitude of systolic blood pressure approached the data of men with greater work experience. According to the results of the WAM methodology (well-being, activity, mood), in all three scales, the psychofunctional status of employees with less work experience was more favorable. Their self-assessment in the scales of well-being and activity differed greately. In comparison with the guards of both groups, students demonstrated a more favorable psychofunctional state in the scales of well-being and mood during the intersessional period. In accordance with the activity indicators, they were inferior to men whose work experience was less than 5 years. As a result, the formation of negative trends in hemodynamics was revealed among men with longer labor experience. It was most pronounced in the indicators of the heart component of blood pressure - systolic blood pressure. In the group of students, the average characteristics of the systolic blood pressure were approaching the data of a group of men with greater work experience. With an increase of work experience, self-assessment of psychofunctional status is reduced, especially in the scale of well-being. According to the activity scale, students were inferior to men whose work experience was less than 5 years. The results of the study demonstrate stress factors that distinguish the educational process of a northern medical university. Their impact is comparable to the consequences of aperiodic work in shifts with a high level of psychoemotional stress. In the north, these influences are aggravated by complex climatogeophysical conditions.

