The need to use different types of tasks in foreign language classes at a non-linguistic higher education institution.

Автор: Gruzdeva M.V.

Журнал: Сервис plus @servis-plus

Рубрика: Наука и образование

Статья в выпуске: 4 т.16, 2022 года.

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This article deals with the topic of the necessity to use different types of tasks in foreign language classes at a non-linguistic university. In such a rapidly changing world, it is important to train a specialist in any professional field in accordance with the requirements of modern society and business environment. It is possible to form important professional and soft skills - ability to communicate, independence, ability to work in a team - in the foreign language classes in a higher education institution under the condition of using a variety of tasks, relying both on teaching aids and developing ones adapted to a particular group of students in accordance with the curriculum. Factors influencing the choice of tasks are highlighted: the level of language skills, the level of intelligence, learning motivation, creativity, adequate self-esteem of students. The main types of tasks according to the aspects of foreign language learning are distinguished: aimed at teaching receptive (reading, listening), productive (speaking, writing) types of speech activity, as well as those aimed at the formation of vocabulary and mastery of grammatical structures and phenomena. It is important to integrate all types of tasks into the foreign language learning process, clearly structuring them and adapting them to each group of students while implementing an individual approach. As a result of proper planning, lesson structure, selection and structuring of tasks in different formats, excellent results can be achieved not only in building communicative competence in students, but also in developing hard and soft skills and their creativity, which will help future professionals in their future careers.


Types of tasks, learning process, variability in usage, competence building, skills

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140297220   |   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7715958

Список литературы The need to use different types of tasks in foreign language classes at a non-linguistic higher education institution.

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