Статьи журнала - Экономика и бизнес: теория и практика

Все статьи: 6997

Regulation of leasing in the Kyrgyz Republic

Regulation of leasing in the Kyrgyz Republic

Saikal Anvar

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Financial lease is one of the most useful and valuable tools for stimulating real sector of economy like agriculture, construction or healthcare. Moreover, it helps to overcome a gap between financial institutions and production industry by providing convenient, flexible and less risky channel of financing. There is no need for additional collateral, since leasing object itself serves as collateral; moreover, in combination with longer terms of repayment it creates favorable conditions for SMEs development as well as development of poor countries and countries with transitional economies. Leasing is considered as one of the best tools for stimulation of real economy and financial sector; however it has not been become widespread in the Kyrgyz Republic. In order to fully understand the problems of leasing implementation in Kyrgyzstan it is necessary to examine its legal base concerning the leasing regulation.


Risk profile of grain exporting companies

Risk profile of grain exporting companies

Platonova Yu.Yu., Bondarenko T.N.

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This article examines the urgency of the problem specific of searching for special features of inherent risks of companies that export agricultural products. This work describes what risks need to be known in order to identify, assess and manage them. As a result of the study, the factors that lead to these types of risks were grouped and, on the basis of these, an integrated classification of the risks to which agricultural exporting companies are exposed was developed and analysed in detail.


Role of monetary policy in market economy

Role of monetary policy in market economy

Abdullaev A.A., Abdiyeva M.A.

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This article examines the role of monetary policy in the market economy, factors affecting the Central Bank monetary policy, monetary policy tools and its components, analyzed and summarized and made recommendations.


Russian airlines economy: prospects and problems of development

Russian airlines economy: prospects and problems of development

Khamurova E.O., Bedniaev D.N.

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This research paper has been prepared based on the studies of Russian aviation industry and its impact on the economic sector of Russia. While this business has a capacious potential, the development and expansion of this industry is seemingly moving at a snail’s pace. This research paper is based on the reason behind this delayed advancement of the industry with primary focus on its impact on the country’s economy. This research finding will be valuable for all type of aviation industries around the globe to achieve high level of economic growth.


Russian military-industrial complex: development under sanctions restrictions

Russian military-industrial complex: development under sanctions restrictions

Larin S.N., Khrustalev O.E., Ermakova Y.M.

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Imposition of sanctions restrictions had a negative impact on the leading sectors of the Russian economy, slowing down their progressive development. It affected the Russian military-industrial complex, which is one of the most high-tech segments of the Russian economy. The article solves the problem of assessing the impact of sanctions restrictions on the Russian military-industrial complex and substantiates the importance of implementing import substitution programs for its innovative development. Research materials were obtained from open sources of the Russian press. To analyze and generalize them, authors used the methods of an integrated approach, statistical and economic analysis, comparison of indicators and others. As a result of the research, it was found that the introduction of sanctions restrictions initially created certain problems for the normal functioning of many industrial enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex. However, subsequently, they essentially gave a purposeful impetus to its innovative development through the implementation of import substitution programs and other modern organizational and economic mechanisms. Their implementation and introduction into the activities of industrial enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex opens up additional opportunities for the development of new industries, creates new jobs and increases the employment of the able-bodied population of the country.


SMM и социальные сети: влияние на экономику и продвижение бизнеса

SMM и социальные сети: влияние на экономику и продвижение бизнеса

Рыков Е.А., Кадина А.П.

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Использование маркетинга в социальных сетях (SMM) является актуальным направлением маркетинговой политики современной компании. В статье рассмотрена значимость применения социальных сетей (ВКонтакте, Одноклассники, Telegram, TenСhat) и инструментов SMM в продвижении бизнеса. Выделены общие черты реализуемых стратегий маркетинга в социальных сетях. На основе проведенного исследования сформулированы преимущества развития бизнеса в социальных сетях с использованием инструментов SMM.


SMM-маркетинг как рычаг продвижения бизнеса

SMM-маркетинг как рычаг продвижения бизнеса

Арокина В.И.

Статья научная

Стоит понимать, что социальные сети - это именно то место, где может обитать целевая аудитория для того или иного бизнеса. SMM позволяет легко взаимодействовать со своими постоянными и потенциальными клиентами. В статье рассказано как правильно взаимодействовать с клиентами, приведены преимущества SMM для бизнеса, важные особенности SMM-маркетинга. Описано как правильно привлечь пользователей интернета к покупке предлагаемого товара.


Shadow economy in Russia

Shadow economy in Russia

Bakun M.V.

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The shadow economy is included in the mandatory elements of the social system that exists in all countries of the world. Having consolidated on the territory of Russia, it represents a great threat to the economy. Due to the increasing influence on the economy of criminalization, corruption and organized crime, the criminal form of the shadow economy is very highlighted. An analysis of the reasons for the emergence of the shadow economy, its growth and spread across Russia will help create ways to destroy it.


Sino-African economic cooperation 2010-2020s

Sino-African economic cooperation 2010-2020s

Strokov I.D.

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The article examines the economic cooperation between the People's Republic of China and African countries in the period from 2010 to 2020. The article explains the reason for China's so high interest in the African continent, which the United States and Europe perceive as a source of migration, corruption, terrorism and insecurity. Based on the above data and analysis, the author suggests that China is interested in cooperation with Africa to obtain a stable source of energy resources, as well as for support at the level of international organizations in exchange for Chinese investments and technologies.


Social media marketing как современное средство продвижения товаров и услуг

Social media marketing как современное средство продвижения товаров и услуг

Кондратьев Д.А.

Статья научная

Лейтмотив данной статьи не призыв к действию жить «одной ногой в будущем», а прийти к согласию жить во времени, когда инновации опережают наши ожидания, мобильные устройства почти каждого из нас привязаны к интернету, что с роботами так комфортно, что мы их практически не замечаем, а искусственный интеллект всегда на шаг умнее, чем мы думаем. Как работают социальные медиа для продвижения товара в современном мире, как с их помощью можно помочь развитию бизнеса, об этом рассуждает автор статьи. Особое внимание было обращено на актуальность вопроса, возможностям обучения современным трендам и их особенностям.


Socially oriented taxation during the tax system reform in Uzbekistan

Socially oriented taxation during the tax system reform in Uzbekistan

Taniyev A.

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This article discusses the tax as one of the main financial instruments of social and economic policy of the state. The ongoing tax reform is not fully conducive to the development of the social function, so the formation of the social orientation of taxation by means of objective quantitative and qualitative evaluation comes as one of the important conditions of the social function by state, and the social function and focus of taxation is characterized by: the size of the tax potential, the level of the tax burden; specific tax burden, the degree of income equality of various categories of taxpayers based on the principles of social justice and equality, and etc.


Socio-economic and political consequences of land and water reform in Kyrgyzstan (1921-1922, 20th century)

Socio-economic and political consequences of land and water reform in Kyrgyzstan (1921-1922, 20th century)

Atakanova G.A.

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The aim of the article is to analyze the socio-economic and political results of the land and water reform in 1921-1922, 1927-1928 in Kyrgyzstan. It is noted that the main objective of the reform was the implementation of the nationalization of land policy and the elimination of bai-manaps as a class. Reform in 1921-1922 covered the northern regions, as a result of which land sites of bai-manaps and lands belonging to Russian settlers were nationalized, 197 thousand acres of land were liberated, and about six thousand peasantry farms were organized in their place. In 1927-1928 in the southern regions, 46 thousand hectares of irrigated and 2.3 million hectares of rainfed land were withdrawn to the land fund, as a result, 186 thousand peasants were provided with land sites. As a result of the land and water reform, the process of settling of nomads increased; by 1927, 62% of Kyrgyz households switched to a settled way of life. As a result of the liquidation of bai-manaps as a class, in 1929, out of 190 thousand Kyrgyz households, 3.5 thousand considered kulaks and they were sent into exile outside the republic. With the reduction of bai-manap farms, social changes began in society.


Solutions for Vietnamese labor market in condition of forming Asean Economic Community

Solutions for Vietnamese labor market in condition of forming Asean Economic Community

Thuong Luu Cong, Dong Phung

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At the end of 2015 Vietnam joined ASEAN Economic Community, which is a very important event creating a momentous turning-point to the Labor Market of Vietnam. The Economic Community will establish a very huge market, give potential opportunities to Vietnamese workers, impulse the development of technology and contribute to the productivity. However, when AEC shapes, Vietnam will have to face relatively big challenges. Therefore, particular solutions are necessary for Vietnamese laborers to adapt and compete with the workers of other countries in ASEAN.


Solutions of European public debt crisis

Solutions of European public debt crisis

Komikov S.V.

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This article describes prerequisites, which led to the European federal debt crisis. There are analyzed possible ways to escape crisis continuation and potential ways of solution. Moreover, there are analyzed problems, which arise in case off regulation setting as well.


Some aspects of improving the analysis of indicators of economic potential of economic entities

Some aspects of improving the analysis of indicators of economic potential of economic entities

Samadova N.R.

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This article is devoted to studying the aspects of the formation and use of the economic potential of business entities, which determines their main competitive advantages in various economic and financial performance indicators. In addition, the article analyzes the indicators of the economic potential of business entities in development countries. The results of the study made it possible to formulate some conclusions and recommendations.


Spatial forms of regional development problems manifestation

Spatial forms of regional development problems manifestation

Sizova Yu.S., Sherapova S.Kh., Malkova U.A.

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Nevertheless "The strategy of spatial development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025" was adopted the problem of territorial-spatial development remains relevant and seen to be relevant in today's conditions. In view of this consideration, the problem of spatial development on the territory of Russia is topical. This paper examines the key problems of territorial and spatial development that are typical for all subjects of the Federation in general, and in particular for the Karachai-Cherkes Republic. A comparative analysis was made between the indicators for the Russian Federation, the North Caucasus Federal District and the Karachaш-Cherkes Republic on the following indicators: investment in fixed assets, unemployment rate, share of the population with incomes below the subsistence minimum. Based on this comparative analysis, it is concluded that the situation in the region with regard to the spatial forms of regional development problems has serious shortcomings, which are manifested in the form of the poor quality of socio-economic development of the Republic, and the existing problems of the region require urgent state intervention aimed more at the development of various sectors of the economy. Certain measures are suggested to eliminate the identified shortcomings.


Specialties of the practice of consumer credit in Russia during the period of economic instability

Specialties of the practice of consumer credit in Russia during the period of economic instability

Atroshko M.A.

Статья научная

The article discusses the main trends and features of consumer lending in the modern period of economic instability. The structure and dynamics of consumer lending to the population in 2020-2021 and the first quarter of 2022 are considered. Multidirectional factors influencing on the "debt load" of the population are characterized. On the basis of published data, the volume and structure of savings of the population are shown. The actions of the Bank of Russia aimed at reducing the overdue debt of the population on consumer loans are considered.


Stages of development of equipment and accounting of goods with application of web-technologies

Stages of development of equipment and accounting of goods with application of web-technologies

Ivanov I.V.

Статья научная

The article outlines the main stages in the development of commodity science as a science. The formulas of pricing and turnover of goods are studied. The tendency of development of commodity science is revealed. The influence of information technologies in commodity science is considered.


State programs as the tool to stimulate the development of the digital economy in the Russian Federation

State programs as the tool to stimulate the development of the digital economy in the Russian Federation

Gerasimova E.D.

Статья научная

The article analyzes state programs as a tool for the development of the digital economy. The author examines the effectiveness of achieving targets. Main problems are caused by incorrect targets. In addition, there is no unified system of evaluation of state programs. The author proposes to solve the problem by changing and supplementing several indicators, developing a uniform methodology for evaluating government programs.


Study of definition of "educational services" in economic science

Study of definition of "educational services" in economic science

Okulich-kazarin V.P.

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The aim of the study is to analyze the definition of "educational services" in economic science. The author analyzes the definitions associated with the provision and receipt of educational services. The following methods were used for the study: empirical methods (the study of normative legal acts and scientific-methodological literature; content analysis of scientific sources; monitoring of publications); methods of theoretical analysis (comparative and retrospective one; specification and generalization; classification; induction and deduction). The results are of great scientific importance - three scientific facts about the definition of "educational services" are shown. At the same time, the author proposes to use the new meaning of the definition of " educational services". The definition of "educational services" is an element of the educational activities of the provider and the consumer, with the aim of satisfying the established and perceived educational preferences of the consumer. The results can be used to study the processes of providing and receiving of educational services.

