Статьи журнала - Экономика и бизнес: теория и практика

Все статьи: 6997

HR и цифровая трансформация: технологии в управлении персоналом

HR и цифровая трансформация: технологии в управлении персоналом

Макурина А.А., Кувалдина Е.А.

Статья научная

Содействуя трансформации и цифровизации HR-услуг, можно оценить, как технологии помогут усовершенствовать рабочую систему, управляемую менеджерами, освободить время и уменьшить расходы, чтобы направить эти инструменты на приоритетные тенденции функционирования организации. В статье будут рассмотрены статистические показатели о вовлеченности российских отраслей в цифровизацию кадровых систем, а также факторы и методы, которые будут важны в процессе оцифровки рабочих инструментов организации в управлении кадровыми ресурсами.


HR трансформация бизнеса: новый подход к подбору кадров

HR трансформация бизнеса: новый подход к подбору кадров

Садковкин А.А., Зорина М.В.

Статья научная

В рамках научно-исследовательской работы авторы изучают современные HR тренды, которые затрагивают подавляющее большинство компаний на рынке. Многоступенчатый отбор стал массовым трендом, кандидатам приходится проходить длительные этапы отбора перед техническим интервью с руководителем. В статье выделены ключевые запросы к работодателю молодых специалистов и опытных профессионалов. Также сделан акцент на создании ценности для сотрудника и построение настоящей команды, которая способна удерживать профессионалов в штате.


Higher education as a business: should Belarusian universities change the way of teaching at lectures?

Higher education as a business: should Belarusian universities change the way of teaching at lectures?

Okulicz-kozaryn W.P., Lapitskaya O.V.

Статья научная

The aim of this study is to investigate the preferences of Belarusian students in the way of learning at lectures. The paper provides an answer to the following didactic and research question: "How to teach?" in the context of economic reform. In paper, we saw higher education as a business. And we saw students as clients because their preferences are clients' requirements. Statistically proven that Belarusian students do not prefer the auditory way of learning at lectures. That is why Belarusian Universities should change the way of teaching at lectures. Among other things, we recommend: - to equip all lecture halls with visual learning tools, - to train teachers to use visual learning tools. The results are very highly statistically significant (99.9%).


Human capital: updating of the notion and structural components

Human capital: updating of the notion and structural components

Larin S.N., Akimkina D.A., Khroustalev O.E.

Статья научная

In the modern context the human capital, the role of the required level of professional competences of the human capital becomes more and more important. Such circumstance confirms the applicability of the topic of this article. Its main goal are comprehensive studies of existing determinations of the human capital, the updating of this notion and of structural components by analysis results. As theoretic basis for these studies were selected works of foreign and national economists, substantiating their determinations of such notions as human capital and its structural components. Methods of studies were based on the comprehensive analysis of given determinations, allowing to reveal the correspondence or non-correspondence of studied determinations of such notion as human capital with modern terms of the organization of production processes at enterprises. As a result of the performed research was detailed such notion as human capital and were determined its structural components in the context of production activities of enterprises. Besides that was substantiated the incorporation of new structural components, allowing to make such notion more adequate with modern realities of the development of economics. Obtained results can be applied in practical activities of enterprises from all industrial branches as theoretic basis for the formation of the human capital and for the upgrading of the quality of its professional competences.


IFRS and RAS: pros and cons, future prospects

IFRS and RAS: pros and cons, future prospects

Komikov S.V.

Статья научная

This article describes the differences between the Russian Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards from the point of view “substance over form principle”. Moreover, there are advantages and disadvantages of both accounting systems described as well. In the end of the article there is a discussion of benefits IFRS accounting system implementation.


IT - инструментарий привлечения и удержания клиентов в электронной торговле

IT - инструментарий привлечения и удержания клиентов в электронной торговле

Бахматов А.А., Великанова А.Д.

Статья научная

В статье изучены факторы динамики рынка электронной торговли, приведены причины развития онлайн рынка, проведен анализ основных тенденций развития рынка электронной коммерции, изучены статистические данные, позволяющие определить место электронной торговли в общем объеме розничной торговли в мире и в России в частности. Проанализированы факторы, стимулирующие принятие решения о покупке у потенциального клиента интернет магазина и препятствующие ему. Рассмотрены основные IT инструменты привлечения клиентов в сферу электронной торговли, инструменты и принципы, позволяющие удержать потребителя.


IT-технологии в управлении человеческими ресурсами организаций

IT-технологии в управлении человеческими ресурсами организаций

Грозаву И.И., Шматко А.Д.

Статья научная

В настоящее время организации стремятся не просто автоматизировать отдельные функции HR, а сформировать единую автоматизированную HR-систему, которая позволила бы осуществить цифровую трансформацию, предполагающую радикальное повышение эффективности HR-функции. Уже сегодня многие крупные коммерческие организации активно внедряют облачные платформы, которые обеспечивают комплексный подход к трансформации HR, при которой HR-процессы не просто автоматизируется, а становятся удобнее, быстрее и результативнее. В статье проведен анализ уровня автоматизации HR-процессов организаций, областей управления персоналом, в которых используется HR-аналитика, качества данных для HR-аналитики, а также определены ключевые задачи организаций в области автоматизации.


Impact accounting of the influence of innovation factors at the formation of branch development strategies

Impact accounting of the influence of innovation factors at the formation of branch development strategies

Larin S.N., Gerasimova E.V., Gerasimova L.I.

Статья научная

In modern economic conditions, in terms of sanction restrictions, there is a conscious destruction of many global value chains and interactions. Therefore, it seems important for Russia to integrate into the international market by means of innovation factors and newly created competitive advantages of high technology industries. This circumstance predetermines the high relevance of this work. The purpose of this article is to substantiate the need for the record of innovation factors at the formation of development strategies at the level of branches and certain enterprises. Research methods were based on the provision for the competitive ability of the development of a branch or certain enterprises on the basis of the transformation of the new knowledge into the intellectual product at the development and implementation of branch strategies of the innovation development. As basic result of the research the opinion can be made that the competitive ability of national economics in modern conditions is based on the creation and on the accelerated development of high technology specialized innovative industries.


Impact of investments on economic development

Impact of investments on economic development

Semenyuk E.S.

Статья научная

An effective innovation process is a method of combating the crisis, and also contributes to the growth of the country's economy. Each country uses both external and internal sources of investment. The article considers the relationship between economic growth and inflow of investments. The multiplier effect is an important property of the investment process, and it leads to economic growth. The article will present the forms and types of investments, as well as the obstacles to effective implementation of the investment mechanism of economic modernization.


Impact of the COVID-19 economic shock on the national economy

Impact of the COVID-19 economic shock on the national economy

Tarasova E.M.

Статья научная

This article examines the impact left by the new coronavirus infection COVID19 on the national economy of the Russian Federation and various spheres of public life in the country. The COVID-19 virus originated in the Chinese province of Hubei, the city of Wuhan and later spread widely around the world. The presented analysis of statistical data of the national economy sectors - industry, education, tourism, trade - shows the scale of COVID-19 impact and, as a result, the magnitude of the ensuing crisis. Data analysis reveals the problems and consequences caused by the imposed restrictions, estimates the demand, needs and preferences of people at the virus peak period, evaluates the readiness of businesses to adapt to new conditions.


Implementation features of public-private partnership projects in the educational sphere

Implementation features of public-private partnership projects in the educational sphere

Yudina M.K.

Статья научная

This article provides research of public-private partnership in the educational sphere in Russia. During the research, the main documents regulating this sphere are considered. Special attention is paid to the three mechanisms of public-private partnership, their main characteristics are described. The analysis of the most popular forms of public-private partnership in Russian educational sphere is conducted. In addition, strengths and weaknesses of public-private partnership are considered.


Importance of credit risk management in banks

Importance of credit risk management in banks

Xudoyorov O.

Статья научная

Credit risk management in banks has changed substantially over the past ten years. The regulations that emerged from the global financial crisis and the fines that were levied in its wake triggered a wave of change in risk functions. These included more detailed and demanding capital, leverage, liquidity, and funding requirements.


Importance of financial security in financial globalization

Importance of financial security in financial globalization

Ismailova N.K.

Статья научная

This article focuses on the socio-economic nature of fiscal security. The author examines the importance of fiscal security in the economy. Describes the basic tasks associated with ensuring fiscal security in the Republic of Uzbekistan at the present time.


Importance of income taxation of commercial banks

Importance of income taxation of commercial banks

Sayfiddinov I., Sadullayeva M.A.

Статья научная

It is known that commercial banks, due to their position in the financial system, are a necessary part in ensuring the correct and timely tax payments to the budget, which certainly affects the economy as a whole. The article discusses the taxation of profits of commercial banks in Uzbekistan and in developed countries. For this, financial reports of commercial banks in Uzbekistan and other scientific resources are analyzed, and end of the article has been given some conclusion and recommendations.


Important of bank deposit policy in expanding of the deposit base of commercial banks

Important of bank deposit policy in expanding of the deposit base of commercial banks

Rakhimov A.M.

Статья научная

The article is devoted to the study of the state of the deposit market of commercial banks in modern economic conditions. The article discusses the nature and direction of the deposit policy, the principles of its formation. The study of the volume and structure of deposits of individuals and deposits of organizations in terms of terms, types of currencies, banks.


Important of off-balance sheet transactions in commercial banks

Important of off-balance sheet transactions in commercial banks

Khudoyorov O.O.

Статья научная

In this article, we have analyzed and studied some types of off-balance sheet operations of commercial banks of world and domestic banking practices. In addition, the article presents to reflection questions of the management of commercial banks and other studies in the development of policies for the development and promotion of off-balance sheet operations in commercial banks of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


Improve marketing of banking services

Improve marketing of banking services

Ganiyeva U.

Статья научная

Marketing of banking services is the activity of presenting, advertising and selling banking products in the best way to meet the needs of consumers. Marketing of banking services is one of the services of the financial industry (bank).


Improvement of accounting and methodology in organization of joint ventures

Improvement of accounting and methodology in organization of joint ventures

Yakubov U.K.

Статья научная

The article describes the organization of accounting in joint ventures on the basis of international standards and the analysis of issues related to its role in attracting investment to Uzbekistan. Based on the results of the analysis, the main sources and directions of investment are projected to increase due to private investment (including public-private partnership). It is based on the fact that the attraction of investments in Uzbekistan depends in many respects on the fact that business entities conduct accounting and reporting in accordance with international standards.


Increasing company's level of competitiveness with using reputation management methods

Increasing company's level of competitiveness with using reputation management methods

Razovsky Y.V., Kuliyev R.T.

Статья научная

The article presents the relevance of methods of reputation management as a means of improving the competitiveness of the organization. Describes the main methods that contribute to the management of reputation and image, including on the Internet, which also increase the competitiveness of the organization and are relevant to the business.


Influence of foreign direct investment for the receiving economy: analysis of econometric models of Russian scientists

Influence of foreign direct investment for the receiving economy: analysis of econometric models of Russian scientists

Akimkina D.A.

Статья научная

Studies of such a topic as investment records and the evaluation of the influence of direct foreign investments (DFI) and of referred effects on the economics of receiving countries for more than fifty years attract the attention of foreign and Russian economists. Numerous scientific works have developed a range of theories, disclosing different approaches to the solution of this problem, as well as offer various mathematic instruments. It has been expressed through the formation of a complex of econometric models, used for the evaluation and taking into consideration the influence of DFI on the economics of receiving countries. The mentioned circumstance confirms the high topicality of the considered subject. Quite a number of theoretic approaches and models have been developed by national economists. As a rule, all of them have got its preferences and shortages, which should be considered at the selection of such or such approach and model for the evaluation and recording of the DFI in each certain case. It seems obvious that with such a choice it is necessary to base on a determined combination of the group of factors, on which are based theories and models, developed by different economists. The main target of the work hereunder is to perform the comparative analysis of approaches and models, offered by national economists for the evaluation and recording of the DFI influence on the economics of receiving countries. As a result of the comparative analysis of approaches and models, offered by national economists for the evaluation and recording of the DFI influence on the economics of receiving countries it seems possible to obtain more substantiated evaluations of the potential DFI influence on the economics of receiving countries. Such evaluations will contribute to the more effective use of the DFI in order to increase rates of the economic growth in Russia as well.

