4 (22) т.5, 2012 - Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast

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Содержание выпуска 4 (22) т.5, 2012 Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast

From the chief editor

Perova Margarita Borisovna, Perov Evgeniy Viktorovich Socio-economic transformation of Russian society 50
Lastochkina Mariya Aleksandrovna Socio-cultural types of population in the region 99
Morev Mikhail Vladimirovich, Popova Vera Ivanovna, Vasilchuk Evgeniy Olegovich Expansion of subcultural movements as a result of social disunity among the young population 107

Problems of municipal entities

Continuing the theme of the previous issue

Tuvayev Vladimir Nikolayevich, Tuvayev Artem Vladimirovich Assessment of the economic efficiency of scientific-technical progress in dairy cattle breeding 141
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