Статьи журнала - Вестник Алматинского технологического университета

Все статьи: 1148

"Круглый стол" как метод развития навыков монологической речи

"Круглый стол" как метод развития навыков монологической речи

Низамова М.Н., Бессчетнова Л.В., Утесбаева Ж.М.

Статья научная

Статья посвящена использованию метода «круглый стол» в курсе изучения русского языка студентами технических специальностей. Практическая ценность статьи заключается в применении данного метода как метода проблемного обучения в процессе преподавания профессионального русского языка студентам специальности «Биотехнология». Авторами предложены формы круглого стола в виде учебных семинаров, дискуссий, встреч, где происходит взаимодействие преподавателя и группы студентов, которые поочередно становятся в центре коммуникации и активно включаются в процесс общения, что влияет на процесс развития навыков монологической речи студентов. Авторы приходят к выводу, что использование метода «круглый стол» как нельзя лучше подготавливает студентов к будущей профессиональной деятельности, предполагает реализацию конкретных профессиональных задач и дает возможность апробации и применения профессиональных навыков.


1939-1979 жж. Аралыындаы азастанны ауыл-село трындар саны мен рамындаы згерістерді зерттеу

1939-1979 жж. Аралыындаы азастанны ауыл-село трындар саны мен рамындаы згерістерді зерттеу

Закирьянов А.К., Досекеева Г.А., Алдекен А.С.

Статья научная

Мақалада 1939-1979 жж. аралығындағы Қазақстанның ауыл-село тұрғындары, олардың саны, ұлттық құрамы туралы мәселелер қарастырылады. Мақалада Кеңес өкіметі тұсындағы Қазақстанда жүргізілген демографиялық саясатқа талдау жасалады. Тақырыптың өзектілігі, осы кезеңдегі демографиялық саясат Қазақстан тарихнамасында аз зерттелген. Қазақстандағы ХХ ғасырдың 30-шы жылдарындағы ашаршылықтан кейінгі қиын кезеңді зерттеу мақаланың мақсаты болып табылады. Бұл кезеңді зерттеу Қазақстандағы этнодемографиялық мәселелерді болжауға мүмкіндік береді. Қазақстандағы 1939-1979 жылдардағы ауыл мен село тұрғындарының саны мен құрамындағы өзгерістерге ерекше көніл бөлінді. Осы мәселемен мақаланың ғылыми жаңалығы мен өзектілігі нақтыланады.


A cruentus амарант нын олдану арылы печенье технологиялы асиеттерін комплексті зерттеу

A cruentus амарант нын олдану арылы печенье технологиялы асиеттерін комплексті зерттеу

Сарсекова А.К., Уажанова Р.У.

Статья научная

Берілген мақалада жоғарғы биологиялық құндылықты печенье дайындау үшін, бірінші сұрыпты бидай ұнына Қазақстанның жергілікті жағдайында өсірілген, амаранттан жасалған ұнды қолдану бойынша зерттеу нәтижелері көрсетілген. Себебі, амарант ұнының химиялық құрамы ақуызға, көмірсуларға, витаминдерге, минералды заттарға бай және жоғарғы энергетикалық құндылықты, мақсатты түрде тағам өнімдеріне, әсіресе ұнды өнімдерге қосуға болады. Мақалада улы элементтерді, микробиологиялық, физико-химиялық көрсеткіштерді анықтау бойынша оң нәтижелері көрсетілген.


Analysis of modern computer-aided design of garments

Analysis of modern computer-aided design of garments

Sarttarova L.T., Mokeyeva N.S.

Статья научная

This article is devoted to the analysis of systems of automation of design of garments for the purpose of intensity of functioning of the sewing enterprise. In the course of the made analysis the results directed on improvement of design-technology preparation of sewing production are received, and also need of development of engineering and information support of design of models, design documentation is revealed.


Application of the international experience into professional education in Kazakhstan

Application of the international experience into professional education in Kazakhstan

Zhanguzhinova T., Zhumanbekova M.T.

Статья научная

Modernization of the professional education in Kazakhstan is application of international experience. Integration into the global educational space is practical value of developing competitiveness and openness of the education system. The novelty of research is implementation of the international experience of professional education of Closing designers in Art’s universities of Kazakhstan. The key points will disclose the current reform’s stage in higher professional school of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The conclusions will reveal the modernization of educational process in universities will present set new requirements for innovative update of its organization, content and methodic.


Aprioristic factors ranking considered in the development of special clothing for workers of oil industry

Aprioristic factors ranking considered in the development of special clothing for workers of oil industry

Ganiyeva G.A., Ryskulova B.R.

Статья научная

The article is devoted to the aprioristic ranking of factors considered in the development of specialclothing for workers in the oil industry. Carrying out a questionnaire on the basis of aprioristic ranking there were revealed a consistency between the opinions of experts that allows to make a conclusion onrationality of developing new special clothing for workers in the oil industry. The degree of consensus ofexperts and the results confirmed the concordance coefficient and Pearson's chi-squared test. As a result,the data revealed that the most needed special clothing for workers in the oil industry is the jacket andtrousers of straight silhouette and of red color made from anti-static fabric. It has been established that thespecial clothing must have good air permeability, oil and abrading resistance.


Assessment of the quality and safety of textile materials treated with a biocidal preparation

Assessment of the quality and safety of textile materials treated with a biocidal preparation

Alibekova M.A., Burkitbay A.

Статья научная

The article presents research on the development of a biocidal preparation for the appret of cotton textile materials. The appret developed by the authors on the basis of salicylic acid and liquid glass provides high rates of biostability of cotton fabric, does not reduce quality indicators and meets the environmental requirements for appret compositions. The coefficient of resistance to microbiological destruction in cotton textile materials treated with a biocidal preparation in all cases was above 80%. The work also assessed the safety and quality of cotton materials treated with a new biocide.


Auto-oscillations of wires of high-voltage power lines (anchor span)

Auto-oscillations of wires of high-voltage power lines (anchor span)

Djamanbayev M. A., Karataeva J. E., Dzhumabekova Z. A.

Статья научная

Dangerous rapprochement or whipping of wires in flight can be caused by dancing the wires. There fore, the distance between the wires and cables should be selected taking into account the expected intensities of the dancing wires. The purpose of this article is to determine the possible intense dancing of the split phase wires based on the self-oscillatory regime of the icy wires of the split phase at the anchor span. Investigations of the self-oscillating process were carried out by the Van Der Pol method. The research results can be used in the design of high-voltage power lines, studies of the phenomena of dancing and in the development of measures to protect lines from dancing wires.


Axisymmetric bend of the lithospheric plate of the exponential profile

Axisymmetric bend of the lithospheric plate of the exponential profile

Baimukhametov A. A., Kultasov A. A., Abdimanapova P. B., Mazhit Zh. B.

Статья научная

Earth 's seismic and volcanic activity is related to plate tectonics. Thin elastic surface plates form a lithosphere which experience different loads. The article considers a new model of the stressstrain state of the axisymmetric lithospheric plate of exponential profile in a non-uniform temperature field and under the influence of transverse forces. Novelty of solution of this problem lies in study by method of partial sampling of nonlinear differential equation with non-uniform coefficients when the lithospheric plate is bent. There are obtained regularities of change of radial force and bending moments under action of radial uniformly distributed load and volumetric centrifugal forces, as well as a result of temperature heating. A graphic analysis indicates the non-linear nature of their distribution, which significantly affects the shape of a curved plate.


Brassica oleracea шырыныны агар-агар-ауын концентраты жйесіні рылым тзуіне сері

Brassica oleracea шырыныны агар-агар-ауын концентраты жйесіні рылым тзуіне сері

Тюсюпова Б.Б., Артыкова Д.м-К., Бокашева Н., Тажибаева С.М., Мусабеков К.Б.

Статья научная

Агар-агар-қауын концентраты жүйесінің құрылымдануынаBrassica oleracea шырыныныңқызылқауданды қырыққабат оң әсері анықталды. Жүйенің беріктігінің өсуі шырын құрамындағы. Алматытехнологиялықуниверситетінің хабаршысы. 2017. No3.56антоциандар мен агар-агар полисахариді және қауын құрамындағы пектин қышқылдарыарасында сутектік байланыстар түзілуімен негізделеді, бұл байланыстар осы молекулалардыңполярлы емес бөліктерінің арасындағы гидрофобтық әрекеттесулермен нығаяды.Ортаның рН-ын өзгерту арқылы алынған кондитерлік сірнелердің түсін және беріктігінреттеу мүмкіндігі көрсетілді.


Color dynamics of cooked sausages after nitrite reduction and incorporation of biologically active substances

Color dynamics of cooked sausages after nitrite reduction and incorporation of biologically active substances

Kolev N. D., Vlahova-vangelova D. B., Balev D. K., Dragoev S. G.

Статья научная

In most cases, the color of meat products is the factor influencing consumer choice. It’s formation and preservation is the highest priority. Sodium nitrite is used for fixation of the pleasant pink-red color, but also has a negative image from the consumers oriented towards clean label products. The valorization of rose oil-industry by-products by their incorporation in foods as natural additives is growing research area. The formulated cooked sausage recipes, contain blend of three biologically active substances (BAS) and different level of sodium nitrite reductions: AN100, AN75, AN50, AN25, AN0 and control - C. Color attributes CIE L*, a*, b* were assessed during 14 days of chilled storage (0-4 °C) and their changes in dynamics were evaluated every 10 min for an hour at air exposure. The incorporation of the inhibit the oxidation of meat pigments during the chilled storage and slowed down the fading of the pinkred color of the cross-cut surface during the 60 min of air exposure. The sausages produced with up to 50 % nitrite reduction and the blend of three BAS have lower lightness (L*), higher intensity of the red color (a*) and lower yellowness (b*) of the cross-cut surface in comparison to the control.


Combined effect of lycopen, ascorbic acid and phosphates on the quality characteristics of cooked sausages

Combined effect of lycopen, ascorbic acid and phosphates on the quality characteristics of cooked sausages

Gradinarska D., Danov K., Valkova-yorgova K., Milkova-tomova Il., Kuzelov A., Vasilyev D.

Статья научная

The present article studies the technological possibilities of using a combined mixture of tomato extract, ascorbic acid as an antioxidant synergist and sodium polyphosphate as a chelating agent with a view to reducing the amount of nitrites added and enhancing the quality and safety of cooked sausages. The results obtained demonstrate that the addition of tomato extract, containing 10% lycopene in combination with ascorbic acid and sodium polyphosphate resulted in a more saturated red colour and slowed the processes which induced lipid peroxidation reactions, reduce greatly the added nitrite amount and contributed to improved overall quality of structureless cooked sausage.


Comparative analysis of an thropometric data of Kazakhstan women adults depending from the age factor

Comparative analysis of an thropometric data of Kazakhstan women adults depending from the age factor

Baskimbayeva T.A., Kiyebayeva S.K., Nurbay S.K.

Статья научная

This research is the initial step for establishing size characteristics of Kazakhstan women adults. The purpose of the study is to compare and analyze body measurement data between Kazakhstan and old ‘soviet’ size typology. The results of this research are helpful for the clothing manufacturer of Kazakhstan.The sample subjects used in this study were obtained from more than 1500 Kazakhstan females. Sixty one measurements were chosen.The conclusion of this research was as follow: First, girth and width measurements of Kazakhstan females were significantly smaller than dimensions of the old ‘soviet’ size typology 1986 year. Second, according to the comparison analysis of Kazakhstan females by age groups, all measurements had significant differences among the age groups. Third, with age significantly increases except head girth, all girth and width. Fourth, with age height measurements is decreased.


Comparative analysis of the quality indicators of bread made of composite flour using ozonated water

Comparative analysis of the quality indicators of bread made of composite flour using ozonated water

Azimova S. T., Nassipkali K. A., Iztaev A. I., Makhmudov F. A.

Статья научная

According to the First President of Kazakhstan, it is important to exclude any possibility of food shortages. In this regard, the primary task of the population is to create innovative technologies for the successful promotion and avoidance of food shortages. Bread is one of the most important food products in Kazakhstan. Consequently, the main task of the population of the bakery industry today is the creation of innovative technologies for functional food products. The article presents the results of an organoleptic study of the bread of innovative preparation using composite flour and ozonated water. To create a scientific basis in the production of bread "Composon", a study of organoleptic indicators was conducted. The quality of bread was assessed for compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents. The use of ion-ozone technology makes it possible to reduce environmental pollution, increase the nutritional value of bakery products, as well as reduce material and energy resources. As a result of the study, it was found that the use of ionized water with composite flour affects the improvement of organoleptic indicators of product quality: the color is more uniform, the taste and smell are pronounced and fragrant, the shape of the product is rounded, the texture of the crumb with uniform porosity. Wheat bread, which was made from composite flour and using ozonated water according to the studied technology, retains the freshness of the crumb for 48 hours, has a lower possibility of infection with potato disease, and is also characterized by good organoleptic characteristics.


Criterion of absolute stability of control systems

Criterion of absolute stability of control systems

Sinchev B., Mukhanova A., Konysbaeva A.

Статья научная

There was set a new criterion of absolute stability , which is a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a frequency criterion of absolute stability by V.M. Popov . The first time,the analytical conditions for absolute stability of nonlinear control system of the third order are obtained .T he explicit analytical conditions for the solvability of Aizerman’s problem is obtained


DIAAS - усовершенствованная методика расчета биологической ценности пищевых продуктов и рационов

DIAAS - усовершенствованная методика расчета биологической ценности пищевых продуктов и рационов

Махинько В.Н., Соколовская И.А., Шаран А.В.

Статья научная

Для эффективного усовершенствования рецептур существующих изделий и разработки новых продуктов с повышенной биологической ценностью необходимо иметь точные методики оценки качества белка, которые не требуют значительных затрат времени и средств. В статье дано описание методики DIAAS, приведены необходимые данные для ее использования. На примере смеси пшеничной муки и изолята соевого белка показана форма расчета показателя DIAAS для продуктов и рецептур с многокомпонентным составом. Проведенные исследования позволяют обеспечить повышение степени достоверности расчетной оценки биологической ценности как уже существующих, так и проектируемых пищевых продуктов.


Designing of protective clothing for use in welding

Designing of protective clothing for use in welding

Zhilisbayeva R., Moldagozhieva Z., Mokeeva N.

Статья научная

Based on the set of scientific research, show that the designed model for the welder as a base material can be used in the fabric "Prime FR350A", and for protective linings - «Flame FortW280». The results of the research led to the development the artistic-composition and design solutions of welder cloth in oil producing enterprise work conditions. The composition of welder costume is designed on a symmetrical shape partitioning that makes the impression of static balance, strength and reliability. Harmonious integrity was achieved by the proportionality of all parts and components of the composition to each other and to the human figure. Rational design provides sufficient freedom of movement, convenience of using this product and its individual elements by the functional and ergonomic layout of components. Jacket design includes ventilation holes to regulate the microclimate of the intern-cloth space.


Determination of casein in milk

Determination of casein in milk

Kalimoldina L.M., Abdykarimova A.P., Alipbaev A.N.

Статья научная

In the present study the precipitation of casein from the various milk samples such as cow milk, goat milk were studied. The technique of precipitation of casein is used to predict the protein content in the milk samples. It was found that the main components of casein have genetic variants that differ in several amino acid residues. These proteins have a molecular weight of about 20 thousand, an isoelectric point of about 4.7, contain an increased amount of proline (the polypeptide chain has a b-structure) and are resistant to denaturants.


Determination of coefficient of surface efficiency at vacuum-atmospheric drying of large-dispersed food materials in a dense layer

Determination of coefficient of surface efficiency at vacuum-atmospheric drying of large-dispersed food materials in a dense layer

Abdizhapparova B., Khanzharov N., Orymbetova G.

Статья научная

In order to take into account the actual conditions of the drying process of large-dispersed food materials located in a dense layer, having a different geometric shape, the coefficient of surface efficiency of the dried material is included into analytical description of the vacuum and atmospheric drying processes. The coefficient of surface efficiency of the dried material characterizes the ratio of the actual evaporation surface participating in the active heat and mass transfer to the total one. Experimental study of vacuum and atmospheric drying of large-dispersed materials having the shape of cube, parallelepiped and sphere at height of bulk layer 0,01-0,04 m is conducted. On the analysis of experimental data an empirical equation, allowing with a sufficient degree of reliability to take into account the actual surface evaporation, participating in active heat and mass transfer in processes of vacuum-atmospheric drying of large-dispersed food materials is obtained. The numerical values of the coefficient of surface efficiency of the dried materials with various shapes are determined.


Determination of ecological safety and meat microbiological indicators

Determination of ecological safety and meat microbiological indicators

Abzhanova Sh.A., Berdigaliuly S., Baimaganbetova U.

Статья научная

This article shows the increase of the role of preventive nutrition in ecological situation, which is aimed at strengthening the protective powers of organism as well as at the reduce of the risk of the influence of hazardous meat substances. The aim of the work is determination of ecological safety and microbiological indicators of molded meat products. Upon the results of conducted research it has been established that the use of raw materials of vegetable origin influences positively on a nutrition status, which is proved by a dynamics of indicators, characterizing ecological and microbiological status of researches in molded meat products. The results of the ecological safety researches showed the absence of toxic elements and radionuclides in a molded product, what guarantees toxic safety of the product and its further production at the enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

