The territorial examination of the income status of the population in Hungary

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The question that what kind of factors could influence the income status of a region have been involving the researchers for a long time. Using GDP or regional GDP by themselves is no longer satisfying to determine the development level of a region. In our study we tried to collect basic data which were well representing the chosen topic, furthermore which were easily available and interpretable on smaller (for example district or settlement) territorial levels. In our research, we intended to examine which factors could affect the income status of a region. Within this framework we did our investigations in the programming period 2007-2013 because of the accessibility of data collection. We compared the sum of different subsidies, local taxes and the gross value added to the region’s income status. We illustrate our results on GIS maps at district level in order to show the present situation about the territorial differences in Hungary. By the help of the used methodology and the created maps we aimed to answer our preliminary hypothesis. According to them the received supports, the taxes paid by local people and the gross value added generated by local enterprises are showing a strong correlation with the formation of the Hungarian populations’ income status.


Income, gross value added, development, methodology, indicator, territorial differences, competitiveness, district

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IDR: 149131248   |   DOI: 10.15688/re.volsu.2018.2.1

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