The influence of innovative development on economic security of the region

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Fixed assets are an integral component of the productive capacity of any enterprise. The financial results of the enterprise largely depend on their intensity and efficiency of use. The analysis of fixed assets is usually carried out using an integrated and systematic approach, based on their availability, their movement, efficiency of use (including their active part). In the opinion of some authors, the traditional methods of analyzing fixed assets have a number of shortcomings, since they do not take into account the life cycle of an enterprise, the ecological aspects of the operation of fixed assets, the operation specifics of the individual divisions of a company and its branches. In order to improve the methodology for analyzing fixed assets, the authors proposed to use formalized and non-formalized criteria for analyzing the risks associated with the fixed asset use. A survey questionnaire was designed to determine the likelihood of the risk of economic losses associated with the use of fixed assets...


Fixed assets, return on assets, equipment capability, fixed asset structure, fixed asset use risks, fixed asset performance regularity

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IDR: 140244379   |   DOI: 10.20914/2310-1202-2019-1-457-463

Список литературы The influence of innovative development on economic security of the region

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