Resource model of the self-esteem structure and its impact on the stress-coping strategies of police officers

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Introduction. The work of police officers mainly with the antisocial part of the population increases the conflict between the three sides of self-esteem — I (real, ideal, social), which can contribute to the emergence of cognitive dissonance and the choice of maladaptive coping, and, conversely, the predominance of maladaptive coping, will indicate the presence of a conflict of interests between the three I and an increase in the risk of developing adaptation diseases in police officers. The aim is to determine the influence of the self-esteem structure on the adaptability of defense mechanisms when choosing coping strategies. Materials and methods. On the basis of the theoretical self-assessment model developed by the authors, experimental testing data on Khaimah and Budassia of 85 police officers of various services aged from 22 to 45 years are considered. Results and discussion. The work has shown that the orientation of copings depends on the problem being solved and coping strategies can be combined, it is impossible, in this case, to speak unequivocally about their problematic or emotional orientation. Along with the predominance of adaptive emotionallyoriented coping, maladaptive coping was also identified: 10.5% (suppression of emotions and emotional discharge;) and 8.5% (active avoidance), which, with prolonged accumulation, can pose a threat to health in the form of adaptation diseases, which indicates the need for a psychologist to conduct psychoprophylaxis. Conclusions. In extreme situations, self-esteem as a Self-concept is an evaluation indicator, and can participate in sublimation processes, i. e. in the processes of activating protective mechanisms in case of sudden threats to the life and health of employees; quantitative and qualitative assessment of the level of expression of self-esteem, i. e. the determination of its adequacy and adaptability, with participation in coping strategies, is an informative experimental part of this theoretical model and confirms the assumptions existing in the literature about the resourcing of self-esteem as a Self-concept under stress. More people with adequately normal and adequately inflated self-esteem tend to get into the ranks of the police, which contributes to the predominance of their choice of adaptive coping strategies in the form of optimism (88.2%).


Self-esteem and claims, I-(real, - ideal, -social), coping resources, coping strategies, defense mechanisms, coping behavior, police officers, stress

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IDR: 149138891   |   DOI: 10.24412/1999-6241-2022-188-18-24

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