Orthodox and catholic iconography: in the light of the dialogue between eastern and western cultures

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The article deals with Orthodox and Catholic iconography in the light of mutual cultural influence. This topic has repeatedly become the object of scientific research. A great contribution to the development of the theme was made by the works of M. V. Alpatov, D. A. Rovinsky, V. N. Singaevsky, L. A. Uspensky, etc. At the same time, in historiography for a long time the main attention was given to the study of the formation of iconographic traditions, and not their comparison. In this connection, the object of research of this work is the cultural interaction of Catholicism and Orthodoxy, which is most fully reflected in iconography. The study uses the historical-comparative method, descriptive, method of periodization and deterministics. These methods allowed not only to identify the causes of cultural interaction, but also to identify periods and their distinctive features, as well as to consider the formation of iconography of the image of the virgin ostrobram,, Pochaevskaya, Czestochowa and Tenderness Seraphim-Diveevskaya based on the analysis of historical documents in the work the origins of the prayer "the virgin hail", known in the Catholic world as "Ave Maria", describes such a phenomenon as a Russian Catholic and an Orthodox pole. At the end of the article the following conclusions are made: The most striking interpenetration of the two branches of Christianity into each other's culture is represented in iconography. The reason for this was three factors: - common spiritual origins. Catholicism and Orthodoxy are two branches of Christianity, before the great Scheme they had a single source of origin, common traditions, generally venerated saints. - cohabitation, accelerated the process of mutual influence. - invitation to each other's service. On the one hand, the Byzantines brought their iconographic traditions to Europe, on the other hand, the Europeans invited to Russia brought the Catholic style of writing. In the history of cultural interpenetration of Catholicism and Orthodoxy, two stages are distinguished: the first of the XI-XVII centuries. characterized by a strong influence of the Byzantine tradition on Catholic iconography, it was especially intense in the XIII-XIV, the second of the XVII-XVIII centuries.Russian iconography is associated with the impact of the Catholic tradition.


Orthodoxy, catholicism, religion, byzantium, Russia, iconography, interaction, culture

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/149124989

IDR: 149124989

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