James Joyce's fairy tale Cat and the devil as a picture book for children

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In a letter of the world-renowned Irish writer James Joyce to his grandson Stephen handwritten fairy tales were found with the implicit title The Cat of Beaugency, later renamed The Cat and the Devil and The Cats of Copenhagen, with illustrations by Casey Sorrow. The fairy tales were published posthumously, e.g. The Cat and the Devil in Letters of James Joyce, 1957. International interest in Joyce’s children’s literature is high, as both short contemporary fairy tales have been published several times in the picture book edition and have been translated into many languages. James Joyce is interesting for Slovenia too, first because he and his girlfriend and later wife Nora Barnacle, on their way to Trieste, accidentally left the train at the Ljubljana train station, where a memorial was also erected (sculptor Jakov Brdar, 2003). Secondly, his literary fairy tale The Cat and the Devil is also intertextually linked with Slovenian folk tradition, notably the Bohinj fairy tale, and also with the tradition of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, since in Cividale stands a large stone-made Devil’s Bridge across the Natisone River, and there are also bridges bearing the same name elsewhere.


James Joyce, Devil's Bridge, The Cat and the Devil, ATU 1191, children picture book

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IDR: 147230426

Список литературы James Joyce's fairy tale Cat and the devil as a picture book for children

  • The Walled-up wife. A Casebook / ed. by A. Dundes. Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1996. 224 p.
  • Kropej M. Folk Storytelling between Fiction and Tradition: The «Walled-Up Wife» and Other Construction Legends // Studia mytho-logica Slavica. 2011. T. XIV. S. 61-86.
  • Joyce J. Macek in vrag. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, 2005. 27 s.
  • Uther H-J. The Types of International Folktales: A Classification and Bibliography. Based on the system of Antti Aarne and Stith: 3 vols. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 2004. 619 p., 536 p., 284 p.
  • Uther H-J. Deutscher Märchenkatalog. Ein Typenverzeichnis. Münster: Waxmann, 2015. 758 s.
  • The Bible. Old Testament. Book of Judges. Ch. 11. URL: http://www.mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt0711.htm (accessed: 18.05.2019).
  • Kropej M. Supernatural Beings From Slovenian Myth and Folktales. Ljubljana: Zalozba ZRC/ZRC Publishing: ZRC SAZU, 2012. 284 p.
  • SchmidtM. Slovenske pravljice in ena nemska. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, 1999. 63 s.
  • SeifertL. Fairy Tales, Sexuality and Gender in France, 1690-1715. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. 292 p.
  • CvetekM. Bohinjske pravljice. Ljubljana: Zveza drustev slovenskih likovnih umetnikov, 1999. 90 s.
  • Lewis J.E. The Cat and the Devil and Finnegans Wake // James Joyce Quarterly. 1992. Vol. 29, no. 4. P. 805-814.
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