Dry protein mixture for food rations fortification based on membrane methods for processing secondary dairy raw materials

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Protein deficiency in the diets of various determined groups of consumers is a serious nutritional problem. The problem of protein deficiency in diets can be solved by developing protein mixtures for their enrichment, taking into account trends in personalized nutrition. Whey processing using membrane technologies corresponds to the concept of Green, Circular, Bio economy. Membrane technologies make it possible to fractionate various whey components and obtain high-tech protein products. The aim of the study is to develop a basic recipe, assess the organoleptic properties and physicochemical characteristics of a dry protein mixture based on whey proteins obtained on the basis of membrane methods. Whey protein concentrate UF WPC - 80 was used as the main component of the protein mixture. Whey protein concentrate and isolate in a 6:1 ratio form the basis of the protein mixture we have developed. We offered options for expanding the range of flavoring additives for dry protein mixtures by combining traditional flavoring additives "Strawberry", "Cherry", "Apple", "Pineapple", "Melon". We have provided an optional addition of papaya and pineapple extracts in case of decreased activity of digestive enzymes, for example, in the elderly people. The technological scheme for obtaining the finished product provides for two-stages dry mixing of the components and the use of commercially available equipment. The protein mixture is a dry powder and is recommended for use in liquid form by restoring it with water, milk or natural juice, for example, veatgrass. We investigated the composition and properties of the developed dry protein mixture in accordance with official and generally recognized test methods. The developed product meets the requirements of TR CU 021/2012 "On food safety" and can be recommended to increase the adaptive capabilities of consumers of various age and physiological groups to physical and neuro-emotional stress, as a fortifying component of diets


Whey, fortification, whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate, dry protein mixture

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140301790

IDR: 140301790   |   DOI: 10.20914/2310-1202-2022-4-69-75

Список литературы Dry protein mixture for food rations fortification based on membrane methods for processing secondary dairy raw materials

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