CLIL technology as an innovative method to learn foreign languages at university

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The article deals with the CLIL technology as an innovative method of foreign languages teaching in higher education. Current social, political and economic background demands introducing integrated approaches to the higher education system in order to train future specialists capable of intellectual flexibility and integrated task solution. The paper touches upon the history and the methodological peculiarities of the technology, benefits of its implementation in higher education; suggests CLIL activities that might be used at language classes; highlights the difficulties the academic staff may experience and submits possible outcomes and solutions of how to implement the CLIL-technology into the system of higher education through administrative resources of the university. In this regard, certain specific literature and recent researches review, observation and analysis of the professional activities of the academic staff were used to choose the CLIL technology as one of the possible methods aimed at training the specialists the modern society calls for. As a result, having analysed the history, methodology and core features of the CLIL technology in general, we come to a conclusion that it may be completely or partially implemented in the system of higher education. Obvious problems of content and language teachers while following this technology were identified as well as possible options of solution were put forward.


Clil, integration, higher education, innovative methods, professional development, co-operation

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IDR: 147157865   |   DOI: 10.14529/ped170208

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