Expression of approval and no-lose conflict resolution as aspects of family moral norms

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The article discusses such aspects of family relations as mutual support and approval, as well as an effective method for resolving conflicts. The author believes that the expression of support and approval to each other by family members in various forms and the effective No-Lose Conflict Resolution that arise are integral elements of the family’s moral standards. The author argues that approval and support can be expressed in various forms (verbally, non-verbally, by action), but each family member needs to know and feel that his behavior, actions are approved and supported by other family members. The main reason for the emergence of conflicts (according to the author’s research) is misunderstanding, family members need to learn to listen to each other and get away from such a model of conflict resolution, when one is the winner and the other is the loser. In this case, the author considers as optimal No-Lose Conflict Resolution developed by Thomas Gordon. The article provides exercises that can be used for teachers’ work with parents, for example, in parental clubs, in order to teach them to express approval to children and each other pedagogically competently, as well as to resolve conflicts in No-Lose Conflict Resolution, without going beyond the norms of morality.


Moral standards, conflict, approval, support, parental club, conflict resolution, parts of conflict, no-lose conflict resolution, misunderstanding, compromise

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 149124921   |   DOI: 10.17748/2075-9908-2018-10-6/2-125-131

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