Возможности трехмерного моделирования культурных слоев памятников мезолита на Среднем Дону (по материалам стоянки Четвериково)

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3D modelling of cultural layers is an effective instrument in archaeology. Not always computer software of free access is suitable for such solution. Difficulties arise on the stage of planning the model: it is necessary to obtain a "mould" of cultural layer as much close to reality as possible. A research team from Novosibirsk proposed an advanced variant of creating 3D computer models of cultural layer using 3D MAX. This method can be used at the Mesolithic sites of the Middle Don region in several aspects: 1) visualisation of all objects with determination of their spatial distribution in stratigraphy; 2) visualisation of stone tools complexes; 3) reconstruction of prehistoric surface level; 4) reconstruction of everyday living objects. Processing of collections in laboratory conditions, creation of database and 3D modelling of cultural layers usually takes more time than excavations. However, this method can provide a researcher with valuable source of archaeological information.


Трехмерное моделирование, культурный слой, мезолит, средний дон

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14328050

IDR: 14328050

Список литературы Возможности трехмерного моделирования культурных слоев памятников мезолита на Среднем Дону (по материалам стоянки Четвериково)

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