Статьи журнала - Инженерные технологии и системы

Все статьи: 2029

Schumann resonances and their potential applications: a review article

Schumann resonances and their potential applications: a review article

Alrais Amal Fathi, Alfadeel Eman A. alsslam, Hamouda Samir Ahmed

Статья научная

Introduction. Schumann resonances is an important topic gains great interest in research areas which has extensive use of Schumann resonances in a variety of desplines such as biological evolutionary processes, the optimal functioning of the human brain waves and lightning-related studies. Materials and Methods. This dictates the major emphasis on economic, environmental, and engineering applications and hazard assessments in the form of earthquake and volcano monitoring. Results. This review is aimed at the reader generally unfamiliar with the Schumann Resonances. It is our hope that this review will increase the interest in SR among researchers previously unfamiliar with this phenomenon. Discussion and Conclusions. In this review paper, a brief introduction about Schumann resonances is presented. A general description of Earth's ionosphere is outlined. The electromagnetic waves spectrum from lightning is discussed. The history of Schumann resonances is briefly presented. The connection of man with nature through Schumann resonances is introduced. Present Schumann resonances researches are briefly outlined. Schumann (global) electromagnetic resonances in the cavity Earth - ionosphere play a critical role in all biological evolutionary processes. However, there is a great need for independent research into the bio-compatibility between natural and manmade signals. Serious attention must now be paid to the possible biological role of standing waves in the atmosphere. Being a global phenomenon, Schumann resonances have numerous applications in lightning research.


Simulation of sesame seeds outflow in oscillating seed metering device using DEM

Simulation of sesame seeds outflow in oscillating seed metering device using DEM

Sharaby Noureldin N., Doroshenko Artyom A., Butovchenko Andrey V.

Статья научная

Introduction. Sesame crop is one of the most important export crops in many countries around the world, especially in Africa. To meet the agricultural requirement of precision planting, various types of precision seed planters have been developed. Numerous studies were carried out to study the optimisation of the parameters of the precision planting. One of these parameters, affecting the quality of the precision seeder, is the grain outflow from the seed metering device. Materials and Methods. In order to maintain good continuous performance of an oscillating seeder, it is important to monitor seed flow in real-time and adjust oscillation parameters automatically. Existing research methods, such as prototyping and monitoring the process using a high-speed camera, by reason of the random movement of particles, do not allow obtaining sufficient data to understand trajectories and velocities of particles and existing equations for particle motion when simulating the sowing process do not allow taking into account the interaction of particles that having various shapes, rolling and sliding friction coefficients, and the elastic modulus of particle materials and a working body. In this study, the outflow rate of sesame seeds in an oscillating seed metering device was modeled using the simulation method based on the discrete element method. The aim of this study is to create a simulation model of an oscillating-type sowing planter using the sowing sesame seeds as an example for evaluating the effectiveness of this model, and the possibility of further optimization and prediction of sowing seeds with this device. Results. The analysis of the results showed that during the simulation, the sowing rate of sesame seeds when leaving the oscillating seed metering holes has significant differences in number and direction. The results of the modeling process in this study showed that when opening a hole in the oscillating seeder, a number of sesame seeds from 0 to 4 were coming out of it. The resulting model allows monitoring the behavior of each particle of a sesame seed, analyzing its trajectory, speed, and forces acting on it at any one time, and varying the parameters to obtain the dependence of uneven seeding on the kinematic and geometric parameters of the device. Discussion and Conclusion. The obtained simulation results provide an effective method for predicting the consumption of sesame seeds from the oscillating seed meter, which serves as the basis for optimizing the kinematic and geometric parameters of the oscillating sowing device in order to increase its efficiency. This model is universal and can be adapted to sow other crops.


Structuring of logistics management organizational-technological system

Structuring of logistics management organizational-technological system

Al Salaimeh Safwan, Miqdadi Amjad

Статья научная

Introduction. The task of the synthesis of the rational structure of logistics management, organizational and technical systems, belongs to the class of poorly formalized. The solution of such task is dependent on specific statement structuring, subject area, and applied formalized, heuristic or intellectual procedures. Materials and Methods. The task of structuring is to develop a mathematical model, methods selection and rational analysis algorithms and synthesis of the structure of the logistics and organizational technological system based on the principles of decomposition and aggregation, identification, optimization and coordination of the rational decision to achieve the overall effect of systems, the excess amount of effects, receipts from each component to the logistics systems separately. Results. This paper presents the structuring of logistics management organizational-technological system. The tasks of constructing an integrated structure of the organizations functional technological management system belongs to class of nonlinear stochastic programming. Conclusions. The solution allow to achieve the overall effect of systems, the excess amount of effects, receipts from each component to the logistics systems separately.


Studying the thermophysical characteristics of the muscle mass of the black soldier fly larvaes (Hermetia illucens) as a drying object

Studying the thermophysical characteristics of the muscle mass of the black soldier fly larvaes (Hermetia illucens) as a drying object

Doroshenko Valentina A., Khozyaev Igor A., Yakovlev Dmitry A., Doroshenko Artyom A., Shcherbakov Alexey A.

Статья научная

Introduction. The main component of the compound feedstuff is fish meal, which has unstable quality and high price. Fish and meat-and-bone meals are replaced with protein concentrates and higher quality larvae proteins. The source of feed protein is the biomass of the black soldier flies (Hermetia illucens), which have a rich amino acid composition and also process food waste. The aim of the work is to study the thermal-physical characteristics of the muscle mass of the black soldier fly larvaes (Hermetia illucens). Materials and Methods. The study focused on the muscle mass of black soldier fly larvaes (Hermetia illucens). The subject of the study is thermal-physical regularities during the drying process. The studies were conducted on the basis of Don State Technical University. The article describes determination of thermal-physical characteristics such as specific heat, thermal conductivity, moisture of the raw material, and oiliness. Results. Heat conductivity coefficient of water 0.555 W/(m∙K) for food and feed products from 0.25 to 0.40 W/(m∙K) black Soldier Fly larvae have a heat conductivity equal to 0.144 W/(m∙K), which is lower than conventional feedstuff components. The humidity of the examined raw material is 45% or higher while the heat conductivity remains linear and practically does not increase. Discussion and Conclusion. The results obtained during the work can be used for parameter determination and design of various types of dryers, and for mathematical description of the dynamics and kinetics of drying.


The effect of reliability index values on resulting reliability-based topology optimization configurations: numerical validation by shape optimization

The effect of reliability index values on resulting reliability-based topology optimization configurations: numerical validation by shape optimization

Kharmanda Ghias, Antypas Imad R., Dyachenko Alexey G.

Статья научная

Introduction. The classical topology optimization leads to structural type and general layout prediction and gives a rough description of the shape of both the external and internal structure boundaries. However, Reliability-Based Topology Optimization (RBTO) model produces multiple reliability-based topologies with high levels of performance. The aim of this work is to study the effect of reliability changes on the obtained topologies. Materials and Methods. The developed Gradient-Based Method (GBM) has been used efficiently as a general method for several applications (statics and dynamics). When considering several reliability levels, several topologies can be obtained. In order to compare the resulting topologies, a shape optimization is considered as a detailed design aspect. Results. Numerical applications are carried out on an MBB (Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm) beam subjected to a distributed load. The DTO model is carried out without consideration of reliability concept. However, for the RBTO model, an interval of reliability is considered that produces several topologies. Here, the randomness is applied on geometry and material parameters. The application of the shape optimization algorithm leads to reduced structural volumes when increasing the reliability levels. Discussion and Conclusion. In addition to its simplified implementation, the developed GBM strategy can be considered as a generative tool to provide the designer with several solutions. The shape optimization is considered as a numerical validation of the importance of the different resulting RBTO layouts.


The influence of gluten-free flour on bakery dough quality

The influence of gluten-free flour on bakery dough quality

Merker Anastasia A., Reva Ekaterina N., Serdyuk Valentina A.

Статья научная

Introduction. One of the main objectives of the food industry is the development of bakery technology for dietary and functional foods. The article gives a complete description of specialized food products. The purpose of this work is to investigate the influence of amaranth and linseed flours on the quality of the gluten-free bakery products. During the study, there was determined the best proportion of gluten-free mixture ingredients for producing a quality product. Materials and Methods. In the course of the study, there were chosen different formulas of mixtures with the use of amaranth and linseed flours produced by “S.Pudov” company, corn starch by “Trapeza” company, and other ingredients such as yeast, drinking-water, salt and sugar. Results. To the formula under development there were added 17 grams of corn starch. At the same time, an increase in the gas retention capacity of the dough was noted. The starch served as the best binding component when mixing water with flour. Discussion and Conclusion. On the basis of the tests performed, data on pH of the dough medium with different proportions of amaranth and linseed flours were obtained. The most acidic medium is in the dough in which the amount of linseed flour is more than the amount of amaranth one. The conducted studies allow assuming that this is caused by the high acidity of linseed flour.


«Вестнику мордовского университета» - 25 лет

«Вестнику мордовского университета» - 25 лет

Вдовин Сергей Михайлович

Статья научная

В статье раскрываются основные задачи и направления деятельности журнала «Вестник Мордовского университета» в составе Мордовского государственного университета; дается характеристика журнала в свете современных требований к рецензируемым научным изданиям.


«Градиентный» эксперимент в светокультуре

«Градиентный» эксперимент в светокультуре

Ракутько Елена Николаевна, Ракутько Сергей Анатольевич

Статья научная

Введение. Характерной особенностью большинства экспериментальных научно-исследовательских работ по светокультуре является необходимость варьирования основных параметров светового режима при поддержании других факторов окружающей среды на одном уровне в течение всего эксперимента. Подход к созданию необходимого разнообразия вариантов параметров светового режима за один цикл выращивания растений, рассматриваемый в данной работе, может оказаться приемлемым для сокращения времени проведения экспериментов или для поисковых работ. Цель работы - показать возможность использования градиента освещенности как источника вариации ее величины в экспериментальных работах по светокультуре. Материалы и методы. Использовался светодионый светильник с косинусным светораспределением, размещенный над рабочей поверхностью, на которой располагались контейнеры с растениями сладкого перца. В качестве биометрического параметра, характеризующего отклик растения на уровень освещенности, применялась оптическая плотность листьев в различных спектральных диапазонах. Результаты исследования. На рабочей поверхности наблюдался существенный градиент освещенности. При одинаковом диапазоне освещенностей количество контейнеров с растениями для данной зоны различно и достаточно для проверки статистических гипотез. Величины средних освещенностей по зонам обеспечивали диапазон изменения освещенности в 2,5 раза. Среднеквадратичные отклонения освещенности по зонам составляли 97-163 лк и были практически некоррелированы с величинами средних освещенностей. Обсуждение и заключение. Разработанная математическая модель градиентного эксперимента в светокультуре позволяет по светотехническим и компоновочным параметрам осветительной установки определить возможное количество повторностей при проведении эксперимента, среднее значение освещенности, среднеквадратичное отклонение, коэффициенты вариации и равномерности в каждой зоне размещения растений. Экспериментально подтверждено, что применение светильника с косинусным светораспределением обеспечивает на горизонтальной поверхности градиент освещенности, средние значения которой в отдельных зонах образуют линейную шкалу. Коэффициенты вариации освещенности в отдельных зонах освещения при установленных в примере параметрах составляли 3,0-11,5 %. При этом коэффициенты вариации оптической плотности листьев растений перца, выращенного в условиях градиентного эксперимента по освещенности, составляли 6,0-11,6 %. Различия средних значений оптической плотности листьев растений в различных зонах градиентного освещения статистически значимы. Это позволяет рекомендовать использование предлагаемого метода для поисковых экспериментов по светокультуре.


«Масторава» - эпос мордовского народа

«Масторава» - эпос мордовского народа

Гурьянов И.А.



«Мордовский пласт» в поэтическом тексте С. Завьялова: практика интеграции финно-угорского литературного материала в лирических циклах 1990-х годов

«Мордовский пласт» в поэтическом тексте С. Завьялова: практика интеграции финно-угорского литературного материала в лирических циклах 1990-х годов

Гудкова Светлана Петровна

Статья научная

В статье рассматривается специфика творчества С. Завьялова на примере его лирических циклов 1990-х гг. («Берестяные грамоты мордвы-эрзи и мордвы-мокши» и «Фрагменты элегий, сохранившиеся в папирусах»). Путем анализа особенностей поэтического стиля (характера введения «мордовского материала») доказывается особая значимость формальной организации поэтического текста в раскрытии основной поэтической идеи — сохранение и утверждение национальной самобытности мордовской нации.


«Поэтический мордвин» в творчестве В. В. Берви-Флеровского

«Поэтический мордвин» в творчестве В. В. Берви-Флеровского

Мишанин Ю.А., Афроськина О.А.



«Уединенный домик на Васильевском» как опыт готической сказки в отечественной словесности конца 1820-х годов

«Уединенный домик на Васильевском» как опыт готической сказки в отечественной словесности конца 1820-х годов

Колыганова Надежда Анатольевна

Статья научная

В статье рассматриваются особенности русской литературной готики конца 20-х гг. XIX в., проявляющиеся в новелле А. С. Пушкина «Уединенный домик на Васильевском». Анализируется характер происхождения данного произведения, его место в творчестве А. С. Пушкина, выявляются особенности фантастического, специфика готических образов и сюжета новеллы.


А. И. Сухарев - ученый и созидатель

А. И. Сухарев - ученый и созидатель

Вдовин Сергей Михайлович



А. Ф. Лосев о музыке

А. Ф. Лосев о музыке

Смирнова Е.В.


