The sarcophagus of a Nicaean emperor in Izmir

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In this brief paper a marble slab fragment from Izmir in Western Turkey is presented. Originallyits description was published by Ch. Texier in 1844 and later deemed missing. We believe that it is an imperial sarcophagus and that it may belong to the emperor of Nicaea, Theodore II Lascaris.

Imperial sarcophagus, nymphaeum, kemalpaşa, izmir, western asia minor, middle byzantine period, late byzantine period, byzantine sarcophagi, byzantine relief sculpture, byzantine epigraphy, byzantine history, theodore ii lascaris, john iii ducas vatatzes, nicæan empire


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IDR: 149139478   |   DOI: 10.15688/jvolsu4.2021.6.11

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