The employment quality potential of generation groups of workers and the economic sustainability of their households

Автор: Bobkov V.N., Odintsova E.V.

Журнал: Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast @volnc-esc-en

Рубрика: Public finance

Статья в выпуске: 3 т.16, 2023 года.

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The exacerbation of external sanctions pressure on Russia in 2022, which continues to increase at present, has brought to the fore the national agenda of improving the quality of life and standard of living of Russians, achieving national benchmarks in this area and solving problems on the “inner circuit” in the face of new (including existential) challenges. There is a growing need for the development of a scientific and informational basis for the in-depth elaboration of effective responses to the challenges posed. The article presents the results of the research, which continues our developments in the field of studying the relationship between the quality of employment and living standards, focusing on the identification of features in generation groups: young people (up to 35 years), middle generation (36 years - retirement age), the older generation (retirement age). In this study, based on original developments, we have set out with the aim of identifying the unused potential of employment quality in generation groups of workers and its connection with the economic (un)sustainability of households, which determines their standard of living. The empirical basis was the data from the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey of the HSE and the Comprehensive Monitoring of Living Conditions of the Population by Rosstat. The potential quality of employment of generation groups of workers is revealed, which is determined by the mismatch between education and employment (mismatch between the level of education and specialty, required in the workplace), the presence of precarious employment revealed on the basis of the indicators we have proposed. We consider the dynamics of economic sustainability of workers' households, determined on the basis of our developments and formed by the income from employment in generation groups of workers, as a whole and depending on the characteristics of the quality of employment. The results of this study allow us to update public policy decisions in the areas of employment and vocational education to improve the performance of the chain “education - employment - economic sustainability - standard of living”.


Generation groups, education, quality of employment, precarious employment, standard of living, economic sustainability of households, social standards, income from employment

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147241603   |   DOI: 10.15838/esc.2023.3.87.10

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