Technologies Ensuring the Sustainability of Information Security of the Formation of the Digital Economy and their Perspective Development Directions

Автор: Alovsat Garaja Aliyev

Журнал: International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business @ijieeb

Статья в выпуске: 5 vol.14, 2022 года.

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The article is devoted to the technologies to ensure the sustainability of information security in the formation of the digital economy and their prospects. It has been shown that the digital transformation of the economy and society is a priority for the advanced countries of the world. It was argued that the safe and sustainable formation of an intellectual society and economy based on new information, knowledge and technology is one of the main goals. The features of the transition from an industrial economy to a new ICT-based information economy were analyzed. The issues of digital transformation of real economic sectors were considered. It was noted that ensuring the development of the modern economy on the basis of digital technologies, the development of high-tech sectors is one of the main goals. Potential areas for digitization of the economy have been identified. The economic features of the main technologies that shape the digital economy have been studied. The stages of analysis of the secure development of the digital economy sectors have been developed. Many concepts of the digital economy are systematized and approaches to its features are explained. Forecast options for the impact of the digital economy on GDP in the countries of the world are given. Mechanisms to ensure economic security, investment forecasts made by different countries to ensure economic cybersecurity are given. Research on the level of economic security and the main threats to the economy was analyzed. The main directions of security of the national economy and the main factors affecting the economic security of the country have been identified. Current approaches to economic security are summarized. The main types of economic security are given and a system of indicators is defined. The structural elements of the system of indicators for the analysis of economic security are proposed. System indicators have been developed to analyze the sustainability of economic security. Criteria for assessing the sustainability of regional economic security have been proposed. The assessment of the cybercrime market in the world is one of the most important issues and the most common types of cyber attacks are shown. An analysis of the state of growth in the field of cyberattacks in different years and the main stages of the evolution of cybersecurity are described. Proposals and recommendations have been developed in accordance with the experience of advanced countries on intelligent cybersecurity technologies.


Information and digital economy, digital economy sectors, digital transformation, economic information security, cybersecurity technologies, economic security indicators

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 15018785   |   DOI: 10.5815/ijieeb.2022.05.01

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