Synthesis and structure of aroxy-tetra- p-tolylantimony (4-MeC 6H 4) 4SbOC 6H 2Br 2-2,6-(t-Bu)-4

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Penta-p-tolylantimony interaction with 2,6-dibromo(4-tert-butyl)phenol has led to syn-thesis of the complex tetra-p-tolylantimony 2,6-dibromo(4-tert-butyl)phenoxide, whose structure has been established by X-ray diffraction. The antimony atom in the molecule (4-MeC 6H 4) 4SbOC 6H 2Br 2-2,6-(t-Bu)-4 has distorted trigonal-bipyramidal coordination with the aroxy group in axial position. The bond Sb-O is 2.229(2) Å, the axial angle CSbO is 176.82(10)°.

Tetra-p-tolylantimony, 6-dibromo(4-tert-butyl)phenoxide, synthesis, molecular structure, x-ray analysis

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IDR: 147160343   |   DOI: 10.14529/chem160106

Список литературы Synthesis and structure of aroxy-tetra- p-tolylantimony (4-MeC 6H 4) 4SbOC 6H 2Br 2-2,6-(t-Bu)-4

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