Smart management methods and mechanisms of industrial enterprises and organizations

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At present, the management of industrial enterprises and organizations becomes an increasingly challenging problem, so old traditional methods are impossible to use for its solving. This article describes methods and mechanisms of smart management that improve management efficiency of industrial enterprises and organizations. These mechanisms are grouped as follows: - non-manipulative mechanisms (or mechanisms allowing to get right information from employees about their working results); - coordination mechanisms (when using such mechanisms it is rational for employees to fulfill commitments or plans); - supporting mechanisms (mechanisms that help develop recommendations to the decision maker); - developing mechanisms (mechanisms stimulating the development of industrial enterprises (cost reduction, innovation, etc.)). In this article, we analyze why still so few smart management methods and mechanisms are used in practice.


Management, non-manipulative mechanisms, coordination mechanisms, supporting mechanisms, development mechanisms

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IDR: 147155139   |   DOI: 10.14529/ctcr160310

Список литературы Smart management methods and mechanisms of industrial enterprises and organizations

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