Word-forming means of expressing emotivity in the Serbian language

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The word-formation means of expressing emotivity in the Serbian language are considered. Special attention is paid to affixation (prefixation and suffixation), as well as univerbation and composition as the most common ways of word formation in the Serbian language. A comprehensive analysis of the word-formation resources of the Serbian language from the point of view of their emotive potential is carried out. As a result it is proved that word-forming means play an important role in the process of expressing emotivity and the most productive way of transmitting emotional meaning in the Serbian language is suffixation.

Emotivity, means of expressing emotivity, word formation, affixation, univerbation, composition

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148309770

IDR: 148309770   |   DOI: 10.25586/RNU.V925X.20.03.P.060

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