Physical culture and sport

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This article discusses the relationship of sport and physical education. The article emphasizes the importance of sport in the formation of physical culture.

Sport, physical culture, method, technique

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IDR: 140241717

Список литературы Physical culture and sport

  • P.I. Ivanov, M.E. Zufarova General Psychology. Textbook. T. 2008. 479 pages.
  • N.Azizxodjaeva Pedagogical technology and pedagogical skills. Educational manual. T. 2006. 160 pages.
  • K. Khoshimov, S.Nishonova History of Pedagogy. Textbook. T.: 2005. 304 pages.
  • N.X.Avliyakulov, NMMusayeva Pedagogical technology. Textbook. T. 2012. 208 pages.
  • N.T.Omonov, N.X. Hodjaev and others. Pedagogical technology and pedagogical skills. Textbook. T.: 2009. 238 pages.
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