Features of formation of constructive strategies for conflict behavior of subjects of the educational environment of the college

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The problem of conflicts and the search for ways to resolve them constructively is a traditional field of research in psychology and related sciences. Conflict situations have always been and remain a concomitant factor in the organization of the educational process. This is due, firstly, to the current crisis state of the socio-economic situation as a whole, a change in the norms and rules of communication in society; secondly, the coexistence of many alternative concepts, ideas about the interaction of the subjects of the educational process; thirdly, by the process of breaking stereotypes of thinking about the inviolability of the teacher’s authority; fourthly, the conflict between generations and technologies. The article focuses on five possible strategies for resolving conflicts (rivalry, cooperation, compromise, avoidance, adaptation), and also considers the possibility of forming constructive strategies of conflict behavior in subjects of the educational environment of the college through the implementation of a program that includes psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, psychological prevention, counseling, psychological correction, social and psychological training.


Subjects of the educational environment of the college, conflict, strategy of conflict behavior, socio-psychological training, the program for the formation of constructive strategies of conflict behavior of the subjects of the educational environment of the college


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142231126

IDR: 142231126

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