Some aspects of historical and modern experience of implementation of physical and health practices through the example of the "Ready for labour and defence" complex

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Some theoretical aspects of the implementation of physical education and health practices in modern and Soviet Russia have been considered in the article. The development retrospective of physical education in different periods of our country’s history has been presented. All new is «well overlooked old» -this is how it is possible to evaluate a renewed by the society interestto the «Ready for Labour and Defence» complex. The clear development plan of physical education until 2020 has been developed in Russia. The formation of the interest to a healthy lifestyle is an important part of this plan. The negative consequences and risks in the absence of a healthy life style among the population have been analyzed in the article, the extensive historiography of the problem has been given. According to the studies of the scientists three years ago more than half of the surveyed citizens did not know about the implementation of the «RLD», about 80 percent were not interested in this issue...


Healthy lifestyle, components and health factors, mass sport, physical education and health work, "ready for labour and defence" complex, benefits, motivation for sports

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IDR: 142217130

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