Models of the Labour Market and Their Features in the World Economy

Автор: Ashmarov Igor Anatol’evich

Журнал: Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research @bulletensocial

Статья в выпуске: 1 (1), 2018 года.

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We distinguish several different and basic for the world economy labour market models. These models are as follows, namely: 1. Liberal model of the labour market (Great Britain and the USA); 2. Socially orient ed model of the labour market (Germany and Sweden); 3. National - traditional model of the labour market (Japan and South Korea); 4. Transit model of the labour market (countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), including Russia, and the coun tries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), former socialist countries).

Labour Market, Types of Labour Market in a World Economy , Transitional Labour Market .

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14110332

Список литературы Models of the Labour Market and Their Features in the World Economy

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  • Kiyan, L.P. (2003) Economic Theory of the Labour Market / L.P. Kiyan. - Voronezh: Voronezh State University (VSU). 185 p.
  • Korogodin, I.T. (2005) Socio -Labour System: The Questions of Methodology and Theory / I.T. Korogodin. - Moscow: «PALEOTYP». 224 p.
  • Romashchenko, T.D. (2008) Labour Market in the Information Economy / T.D. Romashchenko, L.M. Shlyakhtova; T.D. Romashchenko. -Voronezh: Institute of Management of Marketing and Finance (IMMiF). 176 p.
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