Flip jump with a 360° turn training method in highly qualified gymnasts’ floor exercises

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The article is devoted to the problem of improving the quality of gymnasts' performance of highly qualified competitive compositions on floor exercises. The complexity of acrobatic ligaments has reached its highest level, so at the present time there is a tendency to master choreographic jumps of high difficulty. The method developed by the author of the flip jump with a 360° turn training included a set of exercises for the development of speed and strength abilities, flexibility and vestibular stability of gymnasts, as well as exercises performed at the "barre", on a trampoline, using a support device and on a carpet. Criteria of effectiveness of the presented method was integrated, the rate of development of physical qualities of gymnasts shown at the beginning and at the end of the pedagogical experiment, the dynamics of development of the studied complex choreography of the jump, as well as the level of possession and quality of performance on the floor exercise during the competitions.


Highly qualified gymnasts, floor exercises, choreographic jumps, training method

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140257686

IDR: 140257686

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