Статьи журнала - Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia

Все статьи: 351

Tagar artifacts at the Stavropol state museum reserve (G.N. Prozritelev's collection)

Tagar artifacts at the Stavropol state museum reserve (G.N. Prozritelev's collection)

Prokopenko Y.A.

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Technical and social innovations: a new field of research

Technical and social innovations: a new field of research

Hansen S.



Technological development of the Neolithic pottery at Goytepe (West Azerbaijan)

Technological development of the Neolithic pottery at Goytepe (West Azerbaijan)

Alakbarov V.A.

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The "Kalgutinsky" style in the rock art of Central Asia

The "Kalgutinsky" style in the rock art of Central Asia

Molodin V.I., Zotkina L.V., Cheremisin D.V., Geneste J.M., Cretin C.



The Andronovo age women's costume, based on finds from Maytan, Central Kazakhstan

The Andronovo age women's costume, based on finds from Maytan, Central Kazakhstan

Tkachev A.A., Tkacheva N.A.

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The Early Paleolithic Age site and the bifacial lithic industries of Southeast Asia

The Early Paleolithic Age site and the bifacial lithic industries of Southeast Asia

Kandyba A.V., Chekha A.M., Gladyshev S.A., Derevianko A.P., Doi N.G., Su N.K.



The Jomon megalithic tradition in Japan: origins, features, and distribution

The Jomon megalithic tradition in Japan: origins, features, and distribution

Tabarev A.V., Ivanova D.A., Nesterkina A.L., Solovieva E.A.

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The Marfa kurgan in the Stavropol territory: an example of an ancient architectural structure

The Marfa kurgan in the Stavropol territory: an example of an ancient architectural structure

Khokhlova O.S., Nagler A.O.

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The Middle Paleolithic of the Levant

The Middle Paleolithic of the Levant

Derevianko A.P.



The Nagaybaks: from social stratum to ethnic group (the origins of ethnic identity)

The Nagaybaks: from social stratum to ethnic group (the origins of ethnic identity)

Atnagulov I.R.

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The Pazyryk style

The Pazyryk style

Polosmak N.V.



The Petrovka Bronze Age sites: issues in taxonomy and chronology

The Petrovka Bronze Age sites: issues in taxonomy and chronology

Krause R., Stolarczyk E., Epimakhov A.V., Kupriyanova E.V., Novikov I.K.

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The Russian pioneers' winter camp on Karachinsky island, the Lower Tobol river, Western Siberia

The Russian pioneers' winter camp on Karachinsky island, the Lower Tobol river, Western Siberia

Matveeva N.P., Yakimov A.S., Larina N.S., Agafonov L.I.

Статья научная

In 2014, an expeditionfrom Tyumen State University excavated an underground dwelling on Karachinslqt Island, in the floodplain of the Tbbol, to check the chronicle data saying that Yermqk qnd his Cossacks had spent q winter at that place during their Siberian campaign. The log structure, measuring I0 m by 5 m by 2 m, consisted of two rooms. Three or four bottom tiers of logs have been preserved. Remains of a cellar were found in the central part east of the oven. The building existed for a short time because the area around it was sterile. Lenses of calcination and charcoal, and traces of fire on the logs of the structure suggest that it had burnt down. Then it was repaired, but the amount of garbage and kitchen waste is small. All household effects were carried out before the dwellers left. Finds include pottery, a grindstone, a potter s scraper, and pieces of slag and metal. An AMS date of the wood, generated at Arizona University, falls within the 17th century. The chemical analysis of background and old soils indicates intense use of the islandfor pqsture and manufacture. In sum, our survey provides no evidence of Yermak's stay on the island during his campaign. According to R.G. Skrynnikov, the Cossacks marchedfrom the Stroganov forts to the Siberian Khanate capital without wintering, which was tactically correct, since the Thtar forces were weak and fragmented because of Mametkul's foray into the Ural towns.

