Color characteristics of grain of winter hard wheat

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The color characteristics of 7 new grains of hard wheat (winter) in the native and shredded state were studied, as well as the flour of the highest grade (grits) obtained by laboratory grinding of 5 (from 7) grain varieties according to the developed technological scheme, with yield in the range from 60 to 63% with an ash content of the grits from 0.74 to 0.86%. Analysis of the grain's color, flour of the highest grade (grains) showed that according to a special algorithm for three basic colors (green G, blue B, red R) in the RGB color space, the studied varieties of winter wheat lie in the range from 37.55 to 41.65 rel. un. with an average value of 39.9 rel. un., and for grits in the range from 79.30 to 103.10 rel. un., with an average value of92.66 rel. un. (color characteristics are determined on samples of grits that passed 15-day process of maturation). At the same time, the grains obtained by grinding Lazurit grains have the highest yellow color (103.1 rel. un.). On the first day of grinding, the formed lump of the Lazurit variety had a yellowness of 137.51 rel. un., which was also the highest among the studied samples of grains, which corresponds well with the data of the FGBNU "DZMISH" (in assessing the pasta properties of the grains (Lazurite) colors - 4.8 points). The grain of winter wheat Lazurit, according to the indicator ”'yellowness ”, is also the highest indicator when measuring whole-grain crops and grain without destroying its structure. According to the results of the conducted studies, not all the samples of winter hard wheat grain can be recommended for self-processing into pasta flour, since they will not provide the appearance of pasta in color without the use of additional raw materials that change the color of the products.


Hard wheat, winter, grinding, yield, macaroni semolina, ash-content, color, the image in a digital format

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IDR: 142228749

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