Conceptual principles of setting up economic security

Автор: Pikh Mariya

Журнал: Бюллетень науки и практики @bulletennauki

Рубрика: Экономические науки

Статья в выпуске: 5 (18), 2017 года.

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The article provides an overview of setting up economic security of enterprise. The author analyzes the goal, functions, group of measures and outlines the targets and factors of setting up enterprise economic security. The model of setting up economic security of enterprise is represented. The essence of the economic security of the enterprise is defined in the work from the positions of the system approach, the author’s definition of the economic safety of the enterprise is formulated. The category “economic security” at the national and sectoral levels is specified, which explains their interdependence in the process of forming the economic security of the enterprise. The formation of the components of the economic security of an enterprise based on such internal components of economic security as financial, intellectual-personnel, information, resource, technical and technological, power and external-political, legal, market, interface, and environmental, is considered. A model for the formation of the economic security of an enterprise is developed, based on eight successive stages aimed at identifying internal and external threats to the economic security of an enterprise by assessing it for elements to preserve and multiply the economic resources of the enterprise, to prevent crises in a timely manner and to neutralize negative factors. The problems of formation of economic security of food industry enterprises, microclimate and their institutional provision are reflected. A method for assessing the level of economic security of food industry enterprises is proposed, which is based on assessing the level of the components of the formation of the economic security of the enterprise and determining the integral index. The mechanism for the formation of the economic security of the enterprise was developed and proposed, including measures of state regulation that affect the organization of economic security, the creation of socio-economic, organizational and legal conditions for effective reproduction, development and use of the scientific and technological potential of the food industry, the introduction of modern environmentally friendly energy - and resource-saving technologies, production and sale of new types of competitive products.


Enterprise economic security, threats of enterprise economic security, model of setting up economic security of enterprise

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14111581   |   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.579748

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