Competition between crop and weeds in agroecosystems studied using satellite data and a mathematical model

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In this study, the data obtained by satellite remote sensing and by studying a mathematical model are combined to investigate seasonal dynamics of wheat and oat agroecosystems with different levels of weed infestation. The study was performed in the south of the Krasnoyarskii Krai. NDVI was used to show the possibility of identifying weed-free and weed-infested crop fields. The model study was based on variations in the initial percentages of the crop and weed biomasses, with plant growth limited by mineral element deficiency. Model prediction of productivity of agroecosystems with different levels of weed infestation showed that the initial weed biomass higher than 30% is critical for crop productivity and may result in considerable crop yield loss.


Agroecosystems, weed infestation, satellite remote sensing, mathematical modeling

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IDR: 146115289   |   DOI: 10.17516/1999-494X-0013

Список литературы Competition between crop and weeds in agroecosystems studied using satellite data and a mathematical model

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