Calculation of the most effective section of a steel column from the point of view of fire protection

Автор: Krivtcov Artem Valerevich, Kazakova Violetta Aleksandrovna, Mingalimov Iurii Andreevich, Bogdanov Pavel Andreevich, Nitsa Irina Anatolevna

Журнал: Строительство уникальных зданий и сооружений @unistroy

Статья в выпуске: 6 (33), 2015 года.

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This article is devoted to fireproof processing of steel structures. The main task is to consider different types of sections of rod elements and to choose the most effective section for a steel column from the point of view of fire protection. For the solution of this task the steel columns with various cross sections working in identical entry conditions were considered. All neces-sary calculations for all types of sections were carried out. Results of calculations were pre-sented in the summary table according to which the comparative analysis was made. At the end of work the conclusion that the compound section from four equal corners is the most effective from the point of view of fire protection.


Steel constructions, fire protection, load-bearing capacity, calculation, fireproof material

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IDR: 14322260

Список литературы Calculation of the most effective section of a steel column from the point of view of fire protection

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