Blended learning options in post pandemic

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The article dwells on the problem of foreign language blended learning technology in the post-pandemic teaching. The purpose of the article is to explain the possibilities of blended learning models in a full-time format in the non-linguistic educational environment of a higher education organization. Blended learning is described as a technology positively affecting the foreign-language communicative competence development. The article reveals the problems of implementing a relatively new form of education, both on the part of a teacher and on the part of a student; the reasons for shifting from the classroom activities to mixed learning are justified. The authors summarize their own experience of using blended learning technology in English classes, demonstrate the advantages of individual models at different stages of working with learning material.


Blended learning, blended learning models, distance learning, teaching a foreign language, full-time education

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148326359   |   DOI: 10.18137/RNU.V925X.23.02.P.126

Список литературы Blended learning options in post pandemic

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