Active processes in modern Russian: possibilities of ecological and linguistic study

Автор: Akimova Elvira N., Bezkorovaynaya Galina T., Ionova Svetlana V.

Журнал: Вестник Волгоградского государственного университета. Серия 2: Языкознание @jvolsu-linguistics

Рубрика: Дискуссии

Статья в выпуске: 6 т.21, 2022 года.

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The article considers possibility of applying the ecological-and-linguistic approach to the study of active processes that characterize the current state of the Russian language, text production, including electronic communication. The specificity of the ecological approach in linguistics, its distinction from the orthological approach, as well as the structural analysis of linguistic units are displayed, visible active processes that dominate in phonetics, vocabulary, graphic encoding and text creation are registered. The authors consider the usefulness of the ecological approach in linguistics, its distinction from the orthological approach, as well as the structural analysis of linguistic units. The analysis made provision for defining language democratization as the major trend, which is noted in word functioning, changes in phrase and sentence structures; numerous borrowings of words and parts of words from the English language support the globalization trend. There is a tendency in strengthening the subjective aspect of the text content in public communication that is marked bythe shift towards evaluative-expressive-emotional colloquial speech style. The opposing trend is text intellectualization, it appeals to background knowledge of the reader, the use of abbreviated forms in information coding. The authors conclude that a long-term ecological monitoring of these trends and the use of the ecological-and-linguistic approach to classification of linguistic phenomena are required.


Modern russian language, active processes, ecological linguistics, linguistic consciousness, speech style culture, language levels, discourse, electronic communication

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IDR: 149141656   |   DOI: 10.15688/jvolsu2.2022.6.16

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