Technological scheme of prevention of respiratory diseases of newborn calves

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Diseases of respiratory organs are widespread and take the second place after diseases of digestive organs and make 20-30 % of the general incidence of young cattle in Russia. The prime cause of emergency of 90 % of pneumonia at calfs are viruses which, causing infectious process in a macroorganism, create optimum conditions for activity of bacteria in it that leads to complication of a viral disease. The role of viruses in pathogenesis of bronchopneumonia is reduced to immunosuppression and impact on cells of epithelium of respiratory ways. Pasterela, salmonellas and other microorganisms can be involved in infectious process. The mixed forms of causative agents of pneumonia are very various and widespread, and in the conditions of animal industry, at considerable concentration of animals in one territory, the possibility of the mixed forms considerably increases. The purpose of researches was the development of technological scheme of prevention of respiratory diseases of calves in dairy cattle breeding without using of medicine. As a result of researches the concept of the technological scheme of prevention of respiratory diseases at calves of early age is completely confirmed. Its essence consists in the following: before carrying out a regrouping of calves of prevention age from individual cages of the contents in the general it is necessary to investigate calves on a stress stability by the technique developed by us and depending on the received results to form the general groups where stress sensitive calves are located only with stress sensitive animals, and stress stable with stress sensitive, the intensity in again created groups thereby decreases where stress dependable animals do not to have to compete with stress stable calves as a result herd tension significantly decreases, animals grow and develop better, their general resistance of an organism grows. The incidence of respiratory diseases decreases by 10 %.


Calves, stress sensitivity, concept of the technological scheme, prevention, respiratory diseases

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14084086

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