Technical and tactical training of qualified volleyball players with regard to competitive-gaming activities

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The article is devoted to the problem of systematic increase of the skill level of Russian athletes. In spite of the existance of numerous scientific studies qualified athletes training is still being implemented on the basis of outdated methods, without taking into account the nature and content of modern competitive antagonism. It is alleged that the integral approach implied in the analysis of competitive activity in sports is not giving enough attention to the procedural characteristics of competitive activity. This is especially true speaking about the structure of competitive-game activity in the context of confrontation. The authors state that the original pedagogical technology of technical and tactical training of teenage volleyball players takes into account the peculiarities of competitively-game activity and contributes to effective training process. The article considers the reliable changes in the basic indicators of physical and technical preparedness of athletes in the experimental and control groups, the results were obtained during the experimental work.


System of increasing the level of skill of russian athletes, sports games, volleyball, procedural characteristics of competitive activity, specificity of competitive activity, training qualified athletes, training and competitive activity, competitive confrontation, ways of implementing the gaming confrontation, pedagogical technology, technical and tactical training of teenage volleyball players


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IDR: 142215316

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