Distinctive features of bone, teeth and tusk use Bykostenki 4 inhabitants: strategy or conditions of the source?

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The Kostenki-Borschevo area represents distinct variants of Gravettianindustries from the so called Eastern Gravettian to the so called ‘biryuchien’ (derivedfrom the name of the site known as Biryuchya Balka), which includes a group of siteswith absolutely different traditions. Similarity between these sites is reflected in thetypological features of lithic implements and tools, while their differences make themalmost incomparable in many other respects. That is why, the analysis of bone industry isso important not only from the typological point of view but also from the point of viewof the strategy for using bones by the earliest inhabitants of the sites, their preservationconditions and spatial distribution. It is this line of thought that is proposed to be usedin review of the artifacts uncovered at the Aleksandrovskaya site, which is the largest interms of the area and the number of finds, and which has been excavated almost in full.


Upper paleolithic, bone industry, gravettian, spatial analysis, ornamentationof artifacts, strategy for using raw materials, preservation conditions of the bone, faunalremains

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14328384

IDR: 14328384

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