The survival rate varieties of hops the first year of the plantation collection

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Work on the preservation and maintenance of the gene pool hops held the first year of planting the collection. The estimation of collection samples of hops in different groups of ripeness for survival for the purposeful use of variety samples in breeding work is given. A high survival rate observed in early maturing, mid-season, mid-season groups with a growing period of 120 days. Among early maturing - domestic samples, Feudal, Forward, Resinous, Orlovsky, Galinsky, Elegant, Nadezhdinskaya, Tusinski Clone 9-20, forwarding local Chuvash samples and foreign: Golden Star (England), Late Cluster (USA), Svalef (Sweden), Krasnoznamennyj Yugoslav (Yugoslavia). Mid - Podvyazny, Tsivilsky, Friendly, Fakir (included in the state register and approved for use), Early, Istra 15, Anielski, Russian, Syurbeevskogo, Chuvash, 72 Midget, Midget 73, 78 Midget, Dwarf 79, old stable clones RNAS (4-35, 9-14, 9-18, 15-25), Opole (Poland), Landhop (Germany). The mid-grade Russian Flagship, Sumer, Krylatskaya St. Michael’s, included in the state register, the old domestic and foreign samples: silver, Goslicki, Kirov expedition, Clone 10-8, Doberski, Logs serak, F-102.


Varieties of hops, ripeness group, duration of the vegetative period, interphase period, survival rate

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