Natural and climatic reconstruction the late Neopleistocene and Holocene of Baikal Siberia by results of study Aeolian morpholhitogenezis of Ust-Selenginskaya hollow

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On the basis of complex studying the subaeral formations in Ust-Selenginskaya hollow the broad development the Aeolian processes on uneven-age river and lake-river terraces is established. Radio-carbon dates from the buried soils, indicating numerous change of climatic conditions in the Holocene are received. Self-overgrowing of the bared sand as a result of decrease in anthropogenous loading at a turn of centuries testifies to stability of modern climatic conditions in the region.

Aeolian relief, paleogeographic reconstruction, buried soils, ust-selenginskaya hollow, climatic changes

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IDR: 148202880

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