Planning and economic analysis in the activity of sport organization

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The problem of the relationship of analysis and planning of sports and sports organizations, which implies a deeper study and the effective use of special types of analysis, the extended study of the competitive environment of sports industry. Taking into account the current social, economic and foreign economic conditions it is necessary to determine the long-term positive trends of the program of activities of sports and sports organizations, which will ensure its interaction with the authorities at all levels, businesses, educational institutions in the aspect of the development of favorable conditions for its development. At the federal level, formed a system of financial support for sports and sports organizations (small and medium enterprises in the field of physical culture and sport) at different stages of development, taking into account the use of returnable and non-returnable financing instruments. Decree of the Russian Government dated June 2, 2016 № 1083-p approved the development strategy for small and medium enterprises in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030. One of the ways of its realization is a part of sports and sports organizations in the evaluation of the quality of professional work of graduates (ie, a potential human resource capacity), competent to solve organizational and managerial professional tasks: to organize the work of small groups of performers; to work with the financial and economic documentation in the field of physical culture and sports; analyze and summarize the important problems of the modern development of physical culture and sports with the media.


Planning, economic analysis, implementation, sport organization, professional, organizational and managerial activities

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IDR: 14264001

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