Features of the pumping function of the heart in boys of experimental and control group during the recovery period after performing a standardized muscular load

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This article describes the method of determining value changes in the pumping function of the heart in a muscular load, and also gives the comparative characteristics of changes in the hearts of the boys of the experimental, i.e. regularly engaged in Greco-Roman wrestling and boys of the control group, not involved in sports. Over a three-year systematic muscle training in the experimental group of boys revealed significant changes in the values of the pumping function of the heart compared to boys in the control group. The results obtained can be used as additional criteria for trainers in the process of assessing the level of physical fitness and efficiency of the training process.


Experimental group, control group, the heart''s pumping function, heart rate, walk, ioc, pr, greco-roman wrestling, muscular load

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14289005

IDR: 14289005

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