Criminal market of corruption services in the field of forestry

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Introduction: the formation of the shadow economy in Russia is the reason for the emergence of a criminal market for services, goods and labor. One of the most complex in the structure of the underground economy is the market for corruption services in the field of forestry. It accompanies forest violations, is determined by them and is a factor that stimulates the commission of crimes in this area. Countering the criminal market for corruption services in the field of forestry should be carried out on the basis of a comprehensive criminological study of this market. Materials and Methods: the materials of this study are information from the official judicial practice in cases of illegal felling of forest plantations and the turnover of knowingly illegally harvested timber, the works of scientists who have investigated criminal markets. The methodological basis of the research was formed by the generally accepted methods of scientific research of phenomena and social relations in their interconnection and interdependence. The methodological base is formed by analysis, synthesis, as well as specific scientific research methods. Result of the Study: the main features of the criminal market for corruption services in forestry are formulated, its features, the main types of corruption services are identified. Findings and Conclusions: the criminal market for corruption services in the field of forestry is a highly organized, professional anti-social institution associated with organized crime, which is transnational, which is part of its infrastructure, as well as part of its economic basis. The criminal market for corruption services in the field of forest management contributes to the coordination of the activities of organized groups in the illegal felling of forest plantations, accelerates the commission of illegal acts in this area.


Corruption, criminal services, underground economy, forestry, illegal logging, timber smuggling, bribery, abuse of office, organized crime

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IDR: 143173265   |   DOI: 10.24411/2312-3184-2020-10083

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