Complex tool for the estimation of results of import substitution in the industrial system of food industry

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This article discusses the tools for assessing the effectiveness of import substitution in the industrial system of the food industry. The volume, diversity and quality of agricultural products have always been a key factor in the health and life of the population, affecting the security and stability of the state. For example, the Russian empire and the Soviet Union experienced serious food problems in large cities before their collapse, and only market relations introduced in the country’s economy could solve the problem of food shortages and stabilize the internal situation. Due to the heterogeneous economic development of the regions areas of risk farming in the Russian Federation, a special role is acquired by regions that have climatic conditions and an industrial base, allowing for effective agr industrial activities. This work includes a system of performance indicators, which are presented at different levels: lower, intermediate, upper. Performance evaluation is carried out depending on the direction: pork, chilled meat, semi-finished products, etc...


Industrial systems, food industry, import substitution, tools, regional economy, agro-industrial complex

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IDR: 142216538

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