Computer aided design and technology management of producing foamed glass

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The article discusses the technology of obtaining a thermal insulation material - foam glass obtained by foaming during firing mixtures of various natural materials crushed into powder and cullet, with the addition of an alkaline component. The question of optimizing the foam glass production, by saving materials and resources is raised. The results of the obtained experimental data are presented. The possibility of using clay materials to obtain effective heat-insulating foam glass-ceramic materials has been confirmed. It also describes the experience of using the Maple applied mathematical package for computer modeling of the design process and the study of effective thermal insulation materials, in particular, foam glass, by creating a mathematical model of foam glass production processes that allows adjusting the input factors with output parameters the objective function. The processing of the obtained experimental data was carried out by the methods of mathematical statistics and regression analysis.


Oam glass, cullet, computer modeling, optimization, thermal insulation materials, energy efficiency

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IDR: 142228487

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