Study of Andron (Fedorovo) cremations at Tartas-1 burial ground (some methodological aspects)

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By bearers of the Andronovo culture the funeral ceremonies were performed in the shape of the inhumation and the burning of the dead body. The Tartas-1 burial ground contains both variants. As a rule, the cremation is represented by two types: coarsely and finely fragmented. The work is devoted to several methodological aspects of the study Andronovo graves with coarsely fragmented cremation on the monument Tartas-1. This type of burials has equipment with traces of fire, which also is for us of great interest. Fixation of burnt inventory, peculiarities in the arrangement of the fragments of burnt human bones are possible only with careful and methodical clearing of burial.


Western siberia, tartas-1 burial ground, andronovo culture, cremation

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IDR: 14522090

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