Research of projections of ray and caustic structures in coordinate-pulse subspace of the preliminary canonical Maslov's operator

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The projections of phase space in two-dimension subspace, appropriate to various cards of the canonical Maslov's operator, in non-disturbed and disturbed cases are compared. Caustic singularities of ray families in these projections are considered. The amplitude multipliers along rays for different cards are designed and singularities, connected with by a contact of rays of caustics are analyzed. As disturbances of ionospheric F - layer are considered: E-layer, sporadic layer and a local elliptic disturbance in a vicinity of the main maximum. Is shown, that canonical subspaces even in the non-disturbed case contain caustics, and a disturbance conducting essentially complicates ray and caustic pictures. The conclusion about a urgency of transition from the integrated description of the solution to the wave catastrophe theory is made.


Canonical operator, numerical modeling, propagation of signals, ionosphere, bicharacteristic system, disturbances, caustics, rays

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IDR: 148160201

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