Филологические науки. Рубрика в журнале - Международный журнал гуманитарных и естественных наук

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"Демократические" единицы современного русского языка как экспликаторы субъективной модальности в портретном интервью

"Демократические" единицы современного русского языка как экспликаторы субъективной модальности в портретном интервью

Соколовская А.Д.

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На материале портретных интервью рассматривается репрезентация оценочной модальности в условиях демократических процессов в лексической системе современного русского языка. Выявляется степень отклонения используемых средств выражения субъективно-модальных значений от норм литературного языка в зависимости от источника интервью и его целевой аудитории.


"Модель суперпозиции" в поэме В. Ерофеева "Москва - Петушки"

"Модель суперпозиции" в поэме В. Ерофеева "Москва - Петушки"

Никонов Н.А.

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В данной статье исследуется принцип «суперпозиции героя» в художественном произведении, опирающемся на принципы постнеклассической эстетики. Показано, как принцип суперпозиции, взятый из области квантовой физики, способен выявить не только специфику позиции героя в изображаемом мире, но и особенности возможной интерпретации художественного текста. Также в статье продемонстрировано существенное отличие модели «суперпозиции» от концепции «мерцающего субъекта». Описывается влияние принципа «суперпозиции» на построение отношений автор-герой-реципиент.


"Путевые заметки" в поэзии М. Кильчичакова

"Путевые заметки" в поэзии М. Кильчичакова

Таскаракова Н.Н.

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В данной статье рассматриваются «путевые заметки» в цикле стихов известного хакасского поэта Михаила Еремеевича Кильчичакова «Из монгольской тетради». Основное внимание уделяется образу путника. Он представлен главными элементами путника: приветствие, путешествие, угощение, прощание. При анализе образной системы выделяется художественное средство - сравнение, определяется роль народной традиции, взаимосвязи двух народов: хакасов и монгол.


"Русский мир" в коммуникативной стратегии диалога

"Русский мир" в коммуникативной стратегии диалога

Мансурова В.Д.

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Установление и соблюдение коммуникативной конвенции - важное условие установление равноценного диалога с аудиторией. Межкультурное взаимодействие с коммуникантами иностранных государств предполагает опору на адекватную модель коммуникации. Для стран евразийского постсоветского информационного пространства условием преодоления коммуникационных барьеров является ориентация на комммуникативно-культурные коды социальной памяти, исторически объединяющие народы. Но исследование показывает, что установка СМИ России опирается на неадекватную ситуации неолиберальную европейскую модель коммуникации. Это приводит к коммуникативной асимметрии и фактической симуляции межкультурного диалога.


Author’s phraseological expressions in Dickens’s "Posthumous notes of the peacock club"

Author’s phraseological expressions in Dickens’s "Posthumous notes of the peacock club"

Fomenko L.N.

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In this work, using the example of the work of Charles John Huffham Dickens "Posthumous Notes of the Pickwick Club", such features of phraseology as semantic, stylistic, lexical and morphological elements are investigated. The brightest and most diverse authorial phraseological units in Dickens' works made him prominent in the literature of that time and one of the most memorable personalities in the English literary environment. Various phraseological techniques used in this work are also analyzed: the technique of wedging, replacement, double actualization, the technique of contamination and convergence.


Changing the type of narrator (by the material of T. Tolstoy's story “Sonia”)

Changing the type of narrator (by the material of T. Tolstoy's story “Sonia”)

Schukina K.A.

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The article discusses the features of changing the type of the narrator on the material of T. Tolstoy's story "Sonya". The aim of the work is to analyze the speech features of the types of the narrator and the specifics of changing the type of the narrator in the text of the story. The methods of observation, contextual analysis and generalization are used as the main ones in the work. Based on the analysis, the author of the work comes to the conclusion that the change of types of the narrator, the transition of the narrator from the level of characters to the overtext level allows the reader to see a more objective picture of what is happening. It should be noted that the reversal of the roles of the narrator can be regarded as an artistic device.


Cognitive semantic peculiarities of paremiological means in English, Kyrgyz and Russian languages

Cognitive semantic peculiarities of paremiological means in English, Kyrgyz and Russian languages

Isakov S.I., Kasymova D.T., Mamasalieva T.K., Zulpukarova A.K.

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The article is devoted to a versatile consideration of such a complex and multifaceted phenomenon as paremi from the point of view of theoretical understanding in modern linguistics. The article touches upon the issues of definition and status of paremi, meta-language of modern paremiology, paremiological picture of the world, values in the peculiarities of national worldview in the semantics of paremiology and linguocultural analysis of paremi of the studied languages.


Cognitive semantic peculiarities of paremiological means in English, Kyrgyz and Russian languages

Cognitive semantic peculiarities of paremiological means in English, Kyrgyz and Russian languages

Kasymova D.T., Zhusupaliev K., Baatyrbekova A.B., Zulpukarova A.K.

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One of the most topical issues is the current stage of the formation of cognitive paremiology with all the complex set of unsolved problems connected with it. Among them there are questions about the linguistic and linguistic status, about the uniqueness of the species, about the functional purpose and cultural significance of paremi as folklore and linguistic representations of the mentality. The article discusses the cognitive-semantic peculiarities of the paremiological units of the languages studied.


Cultural and temporal specifics of lexis in Russian fiction: aspects of English translation (in case of ‘A country doctor's notebook' by M.A. Bulgakov)

Cultural and temporal specifics of lexis in Russian fiction: aspects of English translation (in case of ‘A country doctor's notebook' by M.A. Bulgakov)

Andreeva M.I., Ismagilova R.R.

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The article researches specifics of temporal and cultural markers of Russian work of literature ‘A Country Doctor's Notebook' by M.A. Bulgakov and its' English translation. Elicited lexical units fall into thematic groups: person, artifact, actions, diseases and place. The part-of-speech classification followed and revealed prevailing nouns. Further stage involved the study of immediate context of the units.


Empirical methods of modeling self-organization of lexical innovations in the mental lexicon

Empirical methods of modeling self-organization of lexical innovations in the mental lexicon

Aldasheva K.S., Imankulova M.A.

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Owing to the large-scale national ideology for the modernization of public consciousness, it is relevant to consider the process of lexical innovations self-organization in a person’s mental lexicon along with other problems of Kazakh linguistics. A new style of scientific thinking - synergetics is proposed an appropriate methodology, universal principles to study such a complex system. It is possible to identify common patterns and processes of the evolution of the national language as a complex system and characterize lexical innovations in the Kazakh language by using a synergistic methodology. The synergetic methodological platform - is a complex of integrated theoretical and empirical methods as well as universal principles characterized by interdisciplinary features. The article analyzes the types of empirical methods and the possibility of achieving the results of synergetic modeling of self-organization of Kazakhized lexical innovations in the mental lexicon.


English borrowing-neologisms in Russian and Kyrgyz languages

English borrowing-neologisms in Russian and Kyrgyz languages

Berdibekova A.N., Turgunbaeva Zh.zh., Toktomamatova G.T., Zaripbekova A.Z.

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The languages of the globe influence various social situations, phenomena occurring in society. As in all languages of the world, the vocabulary of the Russian and Kyrgyz languages is also continuously updated with new words. Every day, changes occur in his vocabulary: new words appear, some of them become obsolete, some even go out of use, others undergo semantic changes in meanings, acquire new roles. In this article, the authors consider the problem of using borrowed vocabulary, in particular, neologisms that originated from the English language. The classification of the reasons for the emergence of anglicisms is given, the ways of their assimilation with the Russian and Kyrgyz languages are given.


Expletive constructions and their emotive function in the novel “Zuleikha opens her eyes” by G. Yakhina

Expletive constructions and their emotive function in the novel “Zuleikha opens her eyes” by G. Yakhina

Kazakov V.P.

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The paper considers the expletive constructions expressing the emotions of characters in G. Yakhina's novel "Zuleikha opens her eyes". Most of the expletive structures that perform an emotive function characterize the experienced speech of the main characters, namely Zuleikha and Ignatov, with predominating negative emotions, which can be explained by the development of the action. Some lexical features of expletive constructions in the speech of the main characters are brought to attention. It is emphasized that emotive inserts in the novel appear against the background of both emotively colored and stylistically neutral basic part of the sentence. It follows, that the constructions under consideration help the author to reveal the characters’ inward in its evolution.


Functional and semantic bases of division the text into segments

Functional and semantic bases of division the text into segments

Oganesova I.S.

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This article describes the regularities of the structural and semantic relationship between the explicit macroposition and the corresponding segment of the text and allows to find out the general derivations of the macroposition principles. Exploring the patterns of the structural-semantic relationship between the explicit macroproposition and the corresponding segment of the text allows us to find out general principles of macroproposition is based on. The article describes the regularities of dividing the text into segments, from which the explicit macroposition is derived and the semantic operations of the derivation of the explicit macroposition are determined the semantic operations of the corresponding segment of the text. The material of research was the text of the English writer Jerome K. Jerome "Three Men in a Boat: To Say Nothing of the Dog!" This story includes the sequences of explicit macro-propositions, combined into macrostructures in each chapters of the text. Note, that in this case we are talking about the general semantic qualification of those operations that the author performs when deriving macropropositions.


Habitual and continuous aspects in Sakha

Habitual and continuous aspects in Sakha

Delannois M.S.

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The article is dedicated to the analysis of the habitual and continuous aspects in Sakha (Yakut) language. This study mainly focuses on Sakha, a Turkic language spoken by approximately 360000 speakers in Siberia, Russia. Although genetically Sakha is a Turkic language, it is very different from other Turkic languages due to contact with its neighbouring languages, which are from families such as Mongolic, Tungusic, and Slavic. The aspectual system of Sakha differs from English and other inflectional languages because Sakha is an agglutinating language whereas English or Russian are synthetic. The aspectual system in Sakha is expressed through verbal endings, converbs or other verbal morphology. In this article I discuss two types of aspect: Habitual and Continuous. This study investigates the ways of formation (synthetic and analytical) of different verbal aspects in Sakha, i.e. which way is used to express each aspect. The system I use in this article is based on Comrie’s classification into two main aspects. The category of aspect is hardly found in most studies on Turkic morphology. It is hoped that by focusing on the formation of verbal aspects in Sakha, this article can offer insights into the aspectual system of the Sakha language.


Language peculiarities of space description in "The way up to heaven" by R. Dahl

Language peculiarities of space description in "The way up to heaven" by R. Dahl

Stepanova S.

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The article deals with the problem of literary space description on the base of R. Dahl’s story "The way up to heaven". The author interprets the space of the story taking into account the space’s being either close or open, flexible or non-flexible, extending or narrowing, concrete or abstract, finally, its being either static or dynamic The paper also dwells upon the language means used to express the abovementioned characteristics of the space within the framework of the fictional discourse.


Lexical and phraseological objectification of the concept of “family” in the Kyrgyz and English languages

Lexical and phraseological objectification of the concept of “family” in the Kyrgyz and English languages

Akhunzhanova Zh.I., Almazbekova E.A., Kalybay Kyzy Burulkan, Zulpukarov A.K.

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The concept of "family" is studied as an important part of culture in the whole world, including Kyrgyzstan and English-speaking countries. The specificity of the semantic content of the concept is studied using lexicographic sources, the basis of which are Kyrgyz and English explanatory dictionaries. Dictionary definitions demonstrate that in the Kyrgyz picture of the world, the concept "family" includes many components. The central place in the article is occupied by the study of lexical objectification, the concept of the phraseological background, based on the analysis of semantic fields. Examples are given for each language to be studied. Definition of the main cultural components of the content of the concept "family" has practical significance when learning Kyrgyz English and vice versa.


Lexical and semantic analysis of the concept of joy

Lexical and semantic analysis of the concept of joy

Abylkasymova A.M., Suleimanova T.A., Erkebayeva G.J., Turdugulova M.B.

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The article deals with the features of the concept "Joy". The concept is understood as a multidimensional linguomental formation, realized in a sign form with high semiotic density, possessing structural and semantic multilayer and ethno-cultural specificity. The semantic field of concepts represents many different meanings, the process of formation of lexical and semantic content of the linguocultural concept "Joy" is conditioned not only by general cultural values, but also by the national and cultural specificity of the language.


Lexical features of English legal discourse

Lexical features of English legal discourse

Alikova S.V.

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Legal discourse regulates relations between members of society and the existing definitions are based on sociolinguistic, communicative-activity, communicative-textual and cognitive motives. Its main functions consist in the formulation, preservation, clarification and implementation of rules. The first striking feature of the legal language is a great number of Latinisms, it is connected with Roman law. The author underlines that legal terminology is a system of lexical units of four levels: general scientific, interdisciplinary, proper legal and highly specialized legal terms.


Linguistic means of creating images of characters in R.Dahl's story "Genesis and catastrophe"

Linguistic means of creating images of characters in R.Dahl's story "Genesis and catastrophe"

Gudzenko Southern Federal University

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The article deals with devices used for creating images of literary characters of the story. The images are analyzed taking into account extralinguistic factors, attention is paid to the image of the characters and the speech portrait of each of them.


Literary translation: techniques and problems

Literary translation: techniques and problems

Novak K.V.

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There are many procedures, which are used in translating. The article deals with the features of the most prominent methods, such as borrowing, adaptation, and compensation. The problems of these methods as well as its features and advantages are studied. The analysis considers the combination of different techniques as an effective way of literary translation.

