Innovative development as an effective strategy of organization

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At present, innovative processes become an important factor determining the strategic success of an enterprise in the market of goods and services, the stability and stability of its development. The task of strategic management is to adapt the organization to changes in the external environment. Innovative development of the enterprise and its production activities involves the development of ideas and justification of the investment project, material and technical and financial support, management of the activity of the facility created, including the liquidation or re-profiling of it in accordance with changing external conditions and the opportunity to achieve the goals set by the investor. The specific nature of the organization's innovation strategy depends on the profile of its activities, the level of production and technical development, the focus and volume implemented in the production and research units of the innovation cycle on various types of innovations and the scope of their application. The development of an innovative enterprise development policy begins with an assessment of the enterprise's competitiveness and competition strategy. Among the various methods and means of strengthening the competitive status of an enterprise, the activation of innovative processes, the main part of which is the creation of new products, services, information, intellectual values, is a special place today, that is, an innovative process of constantly searching for new opportunities, the ability to extract and use to solve permanent tasks, new materials, intellectual resources from a variety of sources. Formation of the innovation process in accordance with the strategic concept of innovative development of the enterprise will improve the quality of management decisions and ensure the growth of innovation activity in general and each individual innovation in particular.


Innovation, development, organization

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140229991   |   DOI: 10.20914/2310-1202-2018-1-398-412

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